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他是一个超脱的人物。He is an aloof figure.

千万不可脱离群众。Never stand aloof from the masses.

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玩一把欲擒故纵的把戏吧。An aloof attitude will do the trick.

许多人对政治漠不关心。Many people keep aloof from politics.

男性得到的建议则是在镜头前表现得冷漠。Men were ordered to be aloof on camera.

当我们在一起聊天的时候,他常常避开不参与。He often keeps aloof when we chat together.

她的盛情缓和了他的冷淡态度。Her hospitality thawed out his aloof manner.

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有时候一个人的失落,孤傲了一个世界。Sometimes a person's loss, aloof and a world.

现在希望日本超然事外的梦想已经全部破灭了。Now all hope that Japan might remain aloof is gone.

一个高的男孩站得远远地,离开所有矮的孩子。One tall boy stood aloof rom all the small children.

一个高的男孩站得远远地,离开所有矮的孩子。One tall boy stood aloof from all the small children.

有时候,一个人的失落,孤傲了一个世界。Sometimes, a man of sense of loss, aloof and a world.

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它根本不需要走冷漠贵族女性的路线。They don’t go for the aloof aristocratic line at all.

惠特福德先生高高在上,从来不注意小人物。Mr. Whitford stands aloof from any notice of small fry.

我不会在您抚爱我时显得清高和冷漠。I will not remain aloof and indifferent when you pet me.

领导人决不应该脱离群众。Leaders shouldn't keep themselves aloof from the masses.

她一直和班上的男同学保持疏远的关系。She had always kept herself aloof from the boys in class.

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雷为了荣誉,我的立场不会变,我们不可能调和。In terms of honor, l stand aloof and will no reconcilement.

直到这时为止,巴比康一直没有参加辨论。Up to this point Barbicane had kept aloof from the discussion.

我觉得,随着毕业的临近,很多人开始变得冷淡起来。I think many began getting more aloof as graduation approached.