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为什么欧洲会崛起并主宰世界?Why did Europe rise to predominance?

铁路线如何加强巴黎主导地位的,一个显著原因便是An obvious reason how trains reinforce the predominance of Paris.

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不可避免的事,这种从优势地位退下来的感觉是痛苦的。Just as inevitably, the retreat from predominance proved painful.

我们正在所经历的是对500年来西方控制的终结What we are living through now is the end of 500 years of Western predominance.

以硅藻门的细胞个数和种数都占绝对优势。The cell number and species of Bacillariophyta account for an absolute predominance.

1870年出现了法国和普鲁士间争夺欧洲主导权的长期未决斗争。In 1870 came a long-pending struggle for predominance in Europe between Franc and Prussia.

青春意味着勇气胜过胆怯,冒险犯难胜过贪图安逸。Youth means the predominance of courage over timidity, of adventure over the love of ease.

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1870年出现了法国和普鲁士间争夺欧洲主导权的长期未决斗争。In 1870 came a long-pending struggle for predominance in Europe between France and Prussia.

北京发展工业具有丰富的人才优势、信息优势和市场区位优势。Beijing has elitist, information and market location predominance in the industry development.

搬场公司是讲究技术的运输,我们的优势就是工人。Convey Field Company is fastidious about the technical transportation, our predominance is the labor.

与正装LED相比,倒装焊芯片技术在功率型LED的散热方面具有潜在的优势。In the aspect of thermal dispersion for power LEDs, flip-chip configuration has potential predominance.

最后,通过计算雷达干扰空间的综合优势程度,获取雷达干扰效果评估值。Finally, the synthetical predominance degree and evaluating value of radar jamming space can be obtained.

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正因为如此,英国过去利用其工业革命以来的经济主导地位建立起全球霸权。Thus Britain used its economic predominance after the Industrial Revolution to establish global hegemony.

大型富营养化浅水湖泊的水华优势种群大多为蓝藻,故称为蓝藻水华。Cyanobacteria is the predominance alga in large shallow Chinese lake, which is called cyanobacteria bloom.

换言之,供给主导型经济是人类社会经济发展永恒的主题。That is to say, supply predominance type economy is an eternal topic in economy development of human society.

值得关注的是,在静息状态发现大鼠感觉运动系统呈现了较为明显的偏侧性。It's interesting that the motor-sensory system showed significant hemisphere predominance during resting state.

整体上看,结节呈弥散分布,而不以外淋巴结构分布为主。Overall, the nodules appear diffuse, and a predominance in relation to perilymphatic structures is not visible.

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可见,固定化优势菌的投加,使得该段氨氮去除率增长了4.1个百分点。So, adding the immobilized predominance bacterium made the average removal ratio of NH3-N increase 4.1 percent.

强调并论证了综采放顶煤开采方法,在厚煤层开采瓦斯安全方面的优势地位。The article emphasizes and demonstrates that moveable mining method in high seam has predominance of gas safety.

再者,退役军人在就业时也应当注意发挥自身优势。Thirdly, to obtain employment successfully, ex-servicemen should bring into play their predominance themselves too.