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此并发症也不多见。This complication is also infrequent.

乳糜性腹水是一种极为少见的临床疾病。Chylous ascites is an clinically infrequent disease.

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签入不够频繁,这会导致集成被延迟Infrequent check-ins, which lead to delayed integrations

近年来市场上紫皮蒜不多见。Purple garlic is infrequent on the mart in recent years.

如果你只是偶尔为之,那么这是很正常很自然的。If this is an infrequent occurrence, it’s normal and natural.

原发性大网膜脓疡是一种罕见的疾病。Primary abscess of the omentum is an infrequent disease entity.

胎儿直接损伤是钝器伤的罕见并发症。Direct fetal injury is an infrequent complication of blunt trauma.

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因此,地震在这方面是中国的一部分,是屡见不鲜,但没有意料中事。So earthquakes in this part of China are infrequent but no unexpected.

由于爪哇犀牛十分稀有,因此未能收集到这种犀牛的粪便样本。The Javan rhino is so infrequent that a specimen could not be collected.

而不经常美黑的人吃过药后并没有出现类似症状。None of the infrequent tanners who took the drug reported these symptoms.

外伤造成肱二头肌封闭性的断裂是一罕见的伤害。Closed traumatic disruption of the biceps brachii is an infrequent injury.

矿井爆炸虽然不常发生,但却是煤矿工人职业中的危险。Explosions , though infrequent , are an occupational hazard for coal-miners.

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今年我国发生了历史上罕见的洪水灾害。This year our country produced the infrequent pluvial calamity on the history.

这些事件并不会只发生一次,但是它们并不频繁。These events will not be one-time only occurrences, but they will be infrequent.

治疗相关的严重并发症很罕见,术中的不适是最小的。Treatment-related serious complications are infrequent and discomfort is minimal.

经常性的小批量的问题比不经常的大批问题要好得多。Frequent small batches are much better than infrequent large batches of questions.

他一边留意着贵生的神情,一边倒了一杯水。He is keeping in idea expensive infrequent facial wording and pouring one cup water.

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那种不常剪发、沉迷于诗词、爱思考艺术的嬉皮士。The kind of hippy that gets infrequent haircuts and ponders poetry and thinks about art.

如此大规模的资金投向,在四川担保业发展历史上罕见。So massive financing is cast to, assure in Sichuan on estate development history infrequent.

它们在正常的外周血涂片中是很少见的,而且它们的意义还不确定。They are infrequent in a normal peripheral blood smear, and their significance is uncertain.