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银川地处沙漠气候。Yinchuan has a desert climate.

宁夏银川哪里有卖流氓兔的?Where has Ningxia Yinchuan to sell rogue rabbit's?

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昆明和银川在中国属于四线城市!Kunming and Yinchuan are fourth tier cities in China!

但是我不认为昆明和银川是二线城市。But I dont think Kunming and Yinchuan are second-tier cities.

银川市空气污染类型为煤烟型污染。The type of air pollution in Yinchuan is coal-burning pattern.

所以我还是决定带他去看看吧,也不能白来银川一趟。So I decided to take him to see, can not be in vain Yinchuan trip.

结论银川市城市居民吸烟率较高,其中男性吸烟率显著高于女性。Conclusion The urban residents had high smoking rate in Yinchuan city.

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我公司成立于1998年,位于宁夏银川市,有员工100人左右。I was founded in 1998 in Yinchuan city in Ningxia , about 100 employees.

目的分析银川市儿童青少年龋病患病的发展趋势及特点。Objective To assess the dental caries prevalence of children in Yinchuan.

沙湖位于宁夏平罗县境内,距首府银川市47公里。Sha river lies in the county in Ningxia, capital of Yinchuan City from 47 km.

我想知道本周一有没有从厦门直飞银川的航班?I want to know if there is a non-stop flight from Xiamen to Yinchuan this Monday.

宇通中巴客车145变速箱银川哪里有卖的?Where world medium-size bus passenger car 145 speed change boxes Yinchuan has sell?

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沙湖位于宁夏平罗县,国家首批AAAAA景区,距银川市区56公里。Shahu, the first national AAAAA scenic spot, 56 kilometers from Yinchuan urban areas.

早餐后,回银川路上,参观西夏陵墓。After eating breakfast, you will visit the Western Xia Tombs on the way back to Yinchuan.

宁夏回族自治区,简称宁,首府是银川。Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is briefly named Ning, with Yinchuan as its provincial seat.

目的了解银川市退休职工基本医疗保障程度。Objective To understand the security capacity of medical insurance on Yinchuan s retirees.

目的了解银川市居民健康知识掌握程度和健康行为形成情况。Objective To study knowledge of health and health behavior formation of Yinchuan City residents.

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之后,观赏贺兰山上的峭壁雕刻,之后回银川。After the tombs, you will see the cliff carvings at Helan Mountain and then be brought to Yinchuan.

目前,银川市是一级的全面发展的房地产行业在此期间。At present, Yinchuan is the level of the overall development of the real estate industry during this period.

华夏航空公司重庆至洛阳航线最低380元,重庆至银川航线最低450元。Chinese Chongqing Airlines flights to the minimum 380 Luoyang, Chongqing, Yinchuan route to the minimum 450.