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我要一些凡士林。I'd like some Vaseline.

不用,谢谢。我要一些凡士林。No, thank you. I'd like some Vaseline.

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凡士林是一种很有效的润滑剂。Vaseline is a very efficient lubricator.

它的皱纹在处子,沙子凡士林。It's the wrinkle in the bedsheet, the sand in the vaseline.

把一个商用的反应堆当作是核弹,正如把凡士林当作凝固汽油炸弹。A commercial reactor is to a bomb what Vaseline is to napalm.

派瑞。从前他会在球上抹上一点凡士林,凡士林则是涂在帽缘下。He used to rub on a little Vaseline that he kept under the brim of his cap.

将密封圈的外圆和密封唇上涂上一层薄薄的凡士林。Thinly coat sealing lip and outer circumference of sealing ring with vaseline.

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他说他是个同性恋,觉得你很帅,还问我咱们家有没有凡士林油。He told me he was gay, thought you were cute, and asked me if we had any vaseline.

想要鞋子不发出滋滋声,拿出鞋垫,涂上凡士林或者WD-40再放回去。To stop squeaky shoes, remove the insole and apply Vaseline or WD-40 before replacing it.

我没有湿式保暖衣,所以我在身上摸了很多凡士林,希望能起到最好的效果。I didn't own a wetsuit, so I put lots of vaseline on my body and hoped for the best. It was cold.

凡士林纱布主要供医疗单位换药,创口引流,内腔造瘘用。Vaseline gauze dressing was changed primarily for medical units, wound drainage, use ostomy lumen.

最好的是那些不含其他成分或气味的碱性脂质,例如凡士林。The best moisturiser is a basic greasy one without extra ingredients or fragrances such as Vaseline.

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如果可能的话,在接线盒的螺丝和线头处涂上点凡士林,以防再生锈。If possible, screw in the junction box and head of the Department points Vaseline coated to prevent rust.

他们配备了11,400磅的冰块,13,475卷绷带,57,059盐分补充剂和390桶凡士林。They will have on hand 11, 410 pounds of ice, 13, 475 bandages, 57, 059 salt packages and 390 tubs of Vaseline.

如果手头暂时没有卸妆油,可以用婴儿油或凡士林代替,你会发现它们同样有效。If you can’t find any eye makeup remover, try baby oil or Vaseline to take off your eye makeup. It totally works!

在一个小铁盒里,所以很便于携带,比凡士林什么的方便多了。It is also in a nice sized small container, so it's easy to carry around rather than using vaseline or something.

质地爽脆的蔬菜出来后就像在凡士林中炖过的发网一样粘糊糊,滑溜溜,筋拉拉的。Vegetables with crisp and cracking texture emerge as mush , slippery and stringy as hair nets simmered in Vaseline.

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质地爽脆的蔬菜出来后就像在凡士林中嫩过的发网一样粘糊糊的筋筋拉拉的。Vegetables with crisp and crackling texture emerge as mush , slippery and stringy as hair nets simmered in Vaseline.

治疗组用紫草油纱条填塞创口,对照组用凡士林纱条填塞创口,连续换药。Use comfrey oil gauze to pack the wound in treatment group Use vaseline gauze to pack the wound in the control group.

小男孩回答说,“昨天晚上爸爸来我的房间,问我要奶油,而我给他的是强力胶水。”The little boy replied, "well last night daddy came into my bedroom and asked me for the Vaseline and I gave him super glue.