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你获得了一共1,000或更多的卡路里燃烧掉。You've racked up a total of 1,000 or more kcal burned.

你获得了一共5,000或更多的卡路里燃烧掉。You've racked up a total of 5,000 or more kcal burned.

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华兴保险现向企业雇主免费赠送劳工法海报。KCAL Insurance is giving away free 2010 Labor Law Poster.

华兴保险现向企业雇主免费赠送劳工法海报。KCAL Insurance is giving away free 2011 Labor Law Poster.

罪犯每人每天从食品中摄取的热量为2952千卡。The average daily dietary intake of calories is 2952 kcal per person.

但每天最少要提供含400卡路里和15g蛋白质的食物。However, at least 400 Kcal and 15 g protein per day should be provided.

此外,100克牛奶能产生276千焦的能量和提供67千卡的热量。In addition, 100 grams of milk to produce the 276 kJ Provided 67 kcal of energy and heat.

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既然KrF2的原子化热只有23千卡每摩尔,这意味着ArF2不能被制备。Since the heat of atomization of KrF2 is only 23 kcal per mol, this implies that ArF2 cannot be made.

在一个货运卡车休息处,我朋友的朋友路易,一个人高马大的大卡司机,让我钻进了他的驾驶室。In a cargo truck rest area, my friend of a friend of Louis, a big burly kcal driver, I got into his cab.

华兴保险现面向广大年轻人和年轻夫妇推出经济实惠,福利又多多的健康保险计划。A new health insurance plan designed specifically for young adults and couples is now available at KCAL Insurance.

每克油脂可提供9千卡热量,这约为同量蛋白质或碳水化合物所提供的热量的两倍。They provide 9 kcal of energy per gram which is approximately double the energy provided by proteins or carbohydrates.

研究对象也接受500卡的低热量饮食,也接受有架构的生活型态调整和运动计画。Subjects were also placed on a 500? kcal deficit diet and received a structured lifestyle modification and exercise program.

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对于增加的HDL-C水平而言每周最少的训练量通过每周消耗900千卡或为每周120分钟训练量。Minimal weekly exercise volume for increasing HDL-C level was estimated to be 900 kcal of energy expenditure per week or 120 minutes of exercise per week.

补给量也取决于受益人的营养状况,但每天最少要提供含400千卡和15g蛋白质的食物。The size of the supplement also depends on the nutritional status of the beneficiaries. However, at least 400 Kcal and 15 g protein per day should be provided.

由于这种射线的能量是100到72千卡,它就有足够强的能量来裂解共价键并使有机聚合物变黄和变脆。Since the energy of this radiation is 100 to 72 kcal , it is sufficiently strong to cleave covalent bonds and cause yellowing and embrittlement of organic polymers.

同样,当芝加哥的研究者研究鱼类时,他们发现养殖对虾比谷物饲养的羊肉和牛肉有更高的碳强度,每大卡30.86克。Equally, when the Chicago researchers looked at fish, they found that farmed prawns were even more carbon-intensive than grain-fed lamb and beef, with 30.86g per Kcal.

2006年芝加哥大学地球物理学院一项研究发现集中饲养的鸡每大卡产生1.67克“二氧化碳等价物”。A 2006 study by researchers at the University of Chicago's Department of the Geophysical Sciences found that intensively reared chicken generates 1.67g of "CO2 equivalent" per Kcal.