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这些变化也包括海马体的变化。Some of the changes took place in the hippocampi.

也许,在他们的海马区存在大量的神经发生。Perhaps, much neurogenesis has occurred in their hippocampi.

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这种作用甚至可以在老年小鼠的海马中看到。This effect could even be seen in the hippocampi of aged mice.

结果发现海马和大脑皮质中各有15个差异表达基因。And 15 differential expression genes were discovered each in hippocampi and cerebral cortex.

伦敦的出租车司机因对伦敦街道环境的熟练掌握,所以他们比普通人的海马区更大。London taxi drivers who have extensive knowledge of the London city streets have larger-than-normal hippocampi.

病理图文分析系统检测大脑皮质及海马神经元密度。Neure density in cerebral cortex and hippocampi was analyzed with pathological graphics context analysis system.

在昏暗光条件下的海马比起黑暗环境下的海马减少了重要的树突棘。The hippocampi from the dim-light group had significantly fewer dendritic spines than those from the dark night group.

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结论体内外雌激素含量的变化可影响大鼠皮质和海马区域BACE表达。Conclusions The variation of estrogen contents could influence the expression of BACE in the cortex and hippocampi CA1 of rats.

分别在移植后第2、4、8、12周4个时间点取脑冷冻切片,在倒置荧光显微镜下观察移植细胞的存活和迁移。Cryostat sections were cut coronally through the hippocampi of the brains at weeks 2, 4, 8 and 12 after transplantation respectively.

缺血脑损伤大鼠皮层海马脑区的兴奋性氨基酸明显高于正常对照组。The levels of exciting amino acids in hippocampi and cortex of ischemic brain injury rats were significant higher than those of controls.

结果表明人类大脑中确实存在着磁性物质,并且在海马部位表现最明显。The results show that magnetic material exists in the brain of human being indeed, and the region of hippocampi exhibit magnetism the most obvious.

例如,与控制组比,自杀者的海马的尸检研究显示更少的肾上腺皮质激素受体。For instance, postmortem study of hippocampi from the brains of people whocommitted suicide show fewer glucocorticoid receptors comparedwith controls.

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而对照组的动物,具有正常的神经发生,最后可以绕过它们的海马,直接从长期储存中找回恐惧记忆。Control animals, with normal neurogenesis, eventually were able to bypass their hippocampi and retrieve the fear memory directly from long-term storage.

研究员制造了2类基因突变的老鼠,一种是在他们的海马状突起大脑侧面脑室壁上的隆起物有丰富的NR1分子,另外一种是没有NR1的。The researchers created two strains of transgenic rats, one that had an abundance of NR1 subunits in their hippocampi and one in which it was suppressed.

然后发现长时间惊厥的小鼠所产生的神经群落较短期爆发惊厥的小鼠多。More neurospheres were derived from the hippocampi of mice that had exhibited prolonged seizures than from those in which seizures occurred in short bursts.

就拿最近的一项研究来说,它显示了“年长的成年人中,比起那些体型不良的人来说体格健美的人拥有更发达的海马体和更好的空间记忆能力。”A recent study, for example, showed that “elderly adults who are more physically fit tend to have bigger hippocampi and better spatial memory than those who are less fit.”

2004年麦吉尔大学的大鼠试验发现母鼠的某些特定行为使幼鼠大脑海马区的某些基因沉默,小鼠处理应激激素的能力因而下降。A 2004 McGill University study of lab rats found that certain maternal behaviors can silence a gene in the hippocampi of their pups, leaving them less able to handle stress hormones.

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那些失败学员的海马体自始至终没有发生变化,这表明成功的的士司机确实具有先天优势——他们的大脑比其他人更具延展性。The hippocampi of unsuccessful trainees stayed the same throughout, which could suggest that successful cabbies really do have an innate advantage—their brains are more malleable than others'.

取大鼠右侧大脑海马CA1区组织标本,经过处理后透射电子显微镜观测细胞形态学改变并摄片。To observe and take a photograph of rats nerve cell morphological changes through electron microscope after sampling and dealing with cerebral tissue specimen of right side hippocampi CA1 section.