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我是一个金融家出身。My background is as a financier.

刘晏是唐代著名的理财家。Liu Yan is a famous financier in Tang Dynasty.

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两家公司的经营者都称,彭日成是一位精明的金融家。Executives at both firms praised Mr. Pang as a savvy financier.

安德?瓦伦堡是瑞典工业化的融资者。Andr é Wallenberg was the financier of Sweden's industrialisation.

中国不仅是在非洲发挥重要作用的惟一的新兴融资方。China is not the only emerging financier playing a major role in Africa.?

供应商及贷款家则是一家国际钢铁集团,其总公司设在伦敦。The supplier and financier is a London headquartered international steel group.

德国的增长依赖出口到中国,德国也是希腊最大的金融家。Its growth depends on exports to China and it is the biggest financier of Greece.

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金融家j·b·富卡通过电话集中做生意,发了大财。Financier J. B. Fuqua has made a fortune putting deals together over the telephone.

索罗斯本人并不像一个目光敏锐的金融家,他更具有哲学教授的气质。In person, he has the air of a philosophy professor rather than a gimlet-eyed financier.

我发现斯通也在里边露了脸,扮演一个有钱的金融家。I also spot Stone in a cameo I hadn't noticed before. He's plays a moneyman, a financier.

昨天下午,30岁切尔西·克林顿同32岁的金融家马克·梅兹文斯基喜结良缘,他们俩从童年时代起就是好朋友。Yesterday afternoon Chelsea Clinton, 30, married childhood friend, financier Marc Mezvinsky, 32.

目前为止,在欧洲国家面临经济危机威胁时中国已经选择了不做积极的金融家。So far, it has opted not to be an active financier of the European countries threatened by crisis.

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作为金融家和企业家的约翰·库恩斯在中国做生意已超过25年。Financier and industrialist, John D. Kuhns has been doing business in China for more than 25 years.

卡托研究所的经济学家詹姆斯·多恩说,作为美国赤字开支的最大债权方,中国格外有理由感到担心。Dorn says, as the largest financier of U.S. deficit spending, China has particular cause for concern.

值得注意的是齐泽克支持乔治·索罗斯,他将这位左翼的亿万富翁金融家比作巧克力腹泻药。Noting that he supports George Soros, he compared the lefty billionaire financier to a chocolate laxative.

王储这位慷慨出借飞机的朋友是美国德州的金融家乔·奥布莱顿。Texan financier Joe Allbritton offered the heir to the throne his jet for the trip to Washington DC on May 3-5.

因为倒闭而为球慌乱鸣了起跑枪的雷曼兄弟银行便是风能源的一个融资大户。Lehman Brothers, the bank whose collapse was the starter's gun for global panic, was a big financier of wind power.

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预计验尸报告将于1月初之前公布,同时公布的还有彭日成是否死于自杀的裁决。The coroner's report is expected by early January and with it, a ruling on whether the financier committed suicide.

多恩说中国特别有理由担心,因为它现在是美国最大的债主。Doan Dorn says, as the largest financer financier of U. S. deficit spending, China has particular cause for concern.

肯尼迪的父亲约瑟夫•P•肯尼迪是一位金融家,也是个精明的商人,靠金融投资和贩酒发家致富。His father, Joseph P. Kennedy, was a financier and wheeler-dealer who made a fortune in investing, banking and liquor.