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去把我的帽子拿来。Give me my hat.

我讨厌这顶遮阳帽。I hate this hat.

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我喜欢那顶帽子。I like that hat.

我有一顶蓝帽子。I've a blue hat.

戴正你的帽子。Put your hat on.

你需要戴上我的帽子吗?。You want my hat?

他挥舞着他的帽子。He waved his hat.

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我有一顶红帽子。I have a red hat.

我的帽子老戴不住。My hat won't stay.

她有一顶红帽子。She has a red hat.

安娜的帽子漂亮而别致。Annas hat is smart.

他是个帽匠。He was a hat maker.

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他戴那顶帽子显得老气。That hat dates him.

白帽子需要。White hat required.

他把帽子扔向空中。He flung his hat up.

我能戴上我的帽子。I can put my hat on.

没有黑帽请。No black HAT Please.

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她递给我一顶帽子。She handed me a hat.

大胖猪很开心。Big Pig sees the hat.

我能试戴这顶帽子吗?May I try on the hat?