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臭鼬为什么有臭味?Why Do Skunks Stink?

那个房间散发着难闻的臭气。The room has awful stink.

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细菌真的可能发出臭气。Bacteria can really stink.

那盏灯是否让他满身臭气?Does he stink of the lamp?

我自己下棋下得很臭I, myself, stink at chess.

为什么“鬼笔”菌会发出臭味?Why does a stinkhorn stink?

正确答案是都不可取The answer is they all stink.

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鱼要腐烂头先臭。Fish begin to stink at the head.

为什么上帝要让利物浦人臭烘烘的?Why did God make Scousers stink?

他以为连他的粪便都是香的。He thinks his shit doesn't stink.

鱼烂头先臭,国败官先腐。fish begins to stink at the head.

鱼放三天发臭,人住三日生嫌。Fish and company stink in three days.

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会发出臭味的垃圾人,“唾弃“名词的源头。Stink of rubbish, "spit" noun source.

鱼和客人都是三天后开始发臭。Fish and guests stink after three days.

“它们真的很臭,”考贝克说。"They really stink up, " Kaulback says.

鱼放三天会发臭,客呆三天讨人嫌。Guests and fish stink within three days.

多少人认为以上都不可取Okay, how many would say they all stink?

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整个体育场内散发着汉堡包的香味。The whole stadium stink of the hamburger.

臭臭虫,伊里安查亚,印度尼西亚。Stink bugs, eaten in Irian Jaya, Indonesia.

肯德基用鱼肉假冒黄金蟹斗引发网络骂声一片。Crab meat in KFC dish raises stink on the Net.