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它烦死我了。It bored me stiff.

他烦死我了。He bored me to death.

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你怎么可能觉得无聊?How can you be bored?

人们会经常感到无聊烦闷。People are often bored.

我玩厌了这个游戏。I'm bored with this game.

那长篇讲话使我们厌倦了。The long speech bored us.

待在家里会闷死的。You'll be so bored at home.

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我对这件工作厌烦了。E. g I'm bored with this job.

我对坐著做的工作已经腻了。I'm bored with sedentary work.

这无聊的日子真的好难过。This bored day really good sad.

我在工作中感到厌烦和沮丧。I'm bored and depressed at work.

她听腻了他的奉承话。She is bored with his flatteries.

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好啊,我吃腻了自助食堂。Sure. I'm bored of the Cafeteria.

不管怎么说我对这个问题有点烦。I'm bored with the problem anyway.

她从头到尾对这个电影都不感兴趣。She was bored throughout the film.

倾向于感到空虚或无聊。Tends to feel empty or bored. 090.

女孩无聊地玩弄着自己的头发。The bored girl toyed with her hair.

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这个小车司机承担了所有的责任。The car driver bored all the blame.

工人们钻透岩石。The workmen bored through the rock.

即使你觉得厌烦,也假装有兴趣。Act interested even if you're bored.