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你知道什么是第戎长炮吗?Do you know what a Dijon Culverin is?

总之,只要让我在第戎下火车就行。Just put me off the train at Dijon anyway.

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一位美国摄影师在第戎附近借了一所房子。An American photographer borrows a house near Dijon.

孩子们告诉她这是辣椒粉和第戎芥末。The kids told her it was chili powder and Dijon mustard.

他马上意识到是列车员忘了火车到达迪让站时把他叫醒。He realized at once the conductor had forgotten to wake him up at Dijon.

产于法国第戎的第戎芥茉酱色淡而味浓。Dijon mustard, from Dijon, France, is light in color but strong in taste.

意式恰巴塔包抹法式大藏芥末夹火腿,瑞士芝士,生菜及西红柿。Deli ham, swiss cheese, lettuce and tomato with famous dijon mustard and ciabatta bread.

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小料鸡尾洋葱,酸黄瓜,黑水榄,大藏芥末,美式芥末和带籽芥末。Cocktail onion, gherkin, black olive, Dijon mustard, American mustard and seeded mustard.

简简单单地吃,或者配沙拉、吐司,也可以搅碎配芥末和洋葱。Eat plain, mixed with salad, on toast, or mashed with dijon mustard and onions as a spread.

两年后,平斯在一列第戎和巴黎之间的火车上神秘的失踪。Two years later Le Prince vanished mysteriously from a train traveling between Dijon and Paris.

我还是个芥末白痴,喜欢各种温和的Dijon牌芥末但是却离刺鼻的那一类远远的。I am also a mustard wimp, enjoying the mild Dijon varieties but shying away from anything nostril-flaringly strong.

法国东部一城市,位于第戎东部。是工业中心,以钟表制造业闻名。人口3,283。A city of eastern France east of Dijon. It is an industrial center noted for the manufacture of clocks and watches. Population, 3,283.

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了解如何加入这个自由的墨西哥美食视频剪辑第戎芥末,大蒜与专家烹饪技巧香肠和土豆辣酱玉米饼馅。Learn how to add Dijon mustard and garlic to chorizo and potato enchiladas with expert cooking tips in this free Mexican cuisine video clip.

在这一步,我通常会再在牛排上涂上一层热的辣根酱,然后在面包的里面再涂上一层法式芥末酱,然后三明治的制作就完成了。At this stage I usually smear hot horseradish on the top steak and Dijon mustard on the inside of the lid before fitting it back on to the loaf.

法国第戎大学医院参与了一个大型建筑项目,施工期间有重型卡车穿梭和产生多尘的环境。The Dijon University Hospital in Dijon, France is involved in a large construction program with heavy truck traffic and a very dusty environment.

然后这哥们看着我说,"我们家保姆是第戎的",还有一次,也有个人法语特好我就问,你法语怎么这么好And this person looked at me and said, "Well the maid was from Dijon." And another time, somebody's French was very good and I said, "Why is your French so good?"

这场比赛的参赛者来自世界五大洲,奥加舞蹈学院杰出的表现也替爱尔兰拿下了金牌。Under Marie's tuition, Inis Ealga won the gold medal for Ireland at the Folk Dance Olympics in Dijon in1981 in a competition spanning the five continents of the world.

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在法国的第戎和里昂中间,有一个很小的村子叫做“Chardonnay”,据称它的名字来源于本地更早的拉丁文名称“cardonnacum”.Between the cities of Dijon and Lyon in France, there is a very small village called Chardonnay that is reported to take its name from an earlier Latin name for the place cardonnacum.