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在一座破败的褐砂石房子的右侧,矗立着一棵枯树。A dead tree stands to the right of a tumbledown brownstone house.

在印尼,慈济志工帮助一位生活困顿的老妇人、维修残破的房子。In Indonesia, volunteers helped an old woman renovate her tumbledown home.

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这个协会在加尔各答一条偏僻里弄里的一所破房子里举行会议。It held its sittings in a tumbledown building in an obscure Calcutta lane.

对于它们来说,这些摇摇欲坠的石头一定跟维斯特洛大陆上的绝境长城一样高耸。To them these tumbledown stones must loom as huge as the Wall of Westeros.

但是她能把一家快倒闭的店,经营成水族馆吗?Can she move from managing a tumbledown shop to operating a major aquatic attraction?

把我们住的那个摇摇欲坠的村舍称作`一流旅馆',纯粹是乱用词语。First-class hotel' was a complete misnomer for the tumbledown farmhouse we stayed in.

大约不到200年以前,人们开始用ramshackle来形容建筑。People started calling tumbledown buildings ramshackle a little less than 200 years ago.

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这是一个很小的房子,有一个摇摇欲坠的仓房,牧场向远处延伸,直至森林。It was a brave little house with a big, tumbledown barn and fields that sloped into forests beyond.

那是一栋很漂亮的小房子,有一个非常宽敞、年久失修的谷仓,房前的斜坡上是成片的庄稼地,直延伸至远处的森林里。It was a brave little house with a big, tumbledown barn and fields that sloped into forests beyond.

但是她具备从经营一家破败不堪的销售宠物鱼的商店到管理一家以水生物为卖点的鱼店的能力吗?But does she have what it takes to go from managing a tumbledown shop that sells pet fish to operating a major aquatic attraction?

你们从小就对我灌输,金窝、银窝不如自己的狗窝,那现实呢?You taught me since my childhood that a house of gold or silver is never as good as my own tumbledown home, but what’s the reality?

的许伯伯,利用住家后方废弃的旧墙,回收砖块,在家门前的街角堆砌出一个「螺旋花园」。Amateur handyman Mr. Xu tore down a tumbledown old brick wall behind his home to make a brick retaining wall for a flower garden out by the street.

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没有任何人对这件事感到大惊小怪,我也很难因此作出结论说,这座古迹数量巨大的城市由于失去了一座遥遥欲坠的清真寺古迹而受到很大损失。No-one made a fuss and I have found it hard to make the case that this archaeologically super-rich city is much poorer without one old tumbledown mosque.

但是,当地政府说约书尔尚未进行“清算”,只能给他们一家在邻近的村子里找一套房子,而那个村子本身到处都是破败不堪的建筑。But the local authorities say that Yor Shor has not officially been " liquidated " and are only offering a home in a neighbouring village, itself strewn with tumbledown buildings.

据我所知,这幅画今天可能还挂在拉。柔那特码头附近一所破旧房子的客厅里,我估计现在可能值一千五百英镑了。For all I know, this picture may still adorn the parlour of the tumbledown little house somewhere near the Quai de la Joliette, and I suppose it could now be sold for fifteen hundred pounds.