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结肠切除术采用标准式完成。The colectomy was completed in standard fashion.

腹腔镜手术治疗结直肠癌安全性的临床研究。A comparison of laparoscopically assisted and open colectomy for colon cancer.

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乙状结肠肿瘤并急性肠梗阻可行I期结肠切除吻合术。Sigmoid tumor associated with acute ileus could be treated with stage I colectomy.

目的探讨一期大肠次全切除术在治疗左半结肠癌致肠梗阻中的作用。Aim To explore the subtotal colectomy for the obstructing carcinoma of the left colon.

结肠次全切除术适合于横结肠左侧至降结肠部位的梗阻。Subtotal colectomy is fit for obstruction of the left transverse colon and descending colon.

方法对17例FAP的临床资料进行回顾性分析。Methods 17 patients with FAP who had undergone total colectomy were analyzed retrospectively.

常见手术方式有根治术、扩大根治术和全结肠切除术。Radical resection, extended radical resection and total colectomy were three main surgical operations.

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该研究未纳入任何被认为可能在研究开始12周内需要进行结肠切除术的患者。The study did not include any patient who was thought to possibly need a colectomy within 12 weeks of study entry.

十一位病人接受全大肠切除并迴肠直肠吻合术,皆有良好术后功能。Eleven patients underwent total colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis and all had satisfactory functional outcomes.

左半结肠切除术的外科平面统一于结直肠系膜与连续的肾前筋膜之间。The surgical planes in the left colectomy are between the colorectal mesenteries and the continuous prerenal fascia.

全结肠直肠切除术11例,结肠部分切除和结肠单纯造口术15例。Total coloproctectomy were performed in 11 cases, and partial colectomy and colostomy were performed in 15 patients.

次全结肠切除回直肠吻合对结肠无力症效果较好,但疗效难以预测。Subtotal colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis is the choice for colonic inertia, but the result is variable and unpredictable.

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一位病人实施全大肠切除并迴肠造瘘后死于败血症及既有的心脏疾病。Total colectomy with ileostomy was performed in one patient, who, however, succumbed to heart disease and sepsis postoperatively.

目的探讨淋巴绘图和前哨淋巴结定位分析在腹腔镜结肠癌手术中的应用价值。Objective To explore the value of lymphatic mapping and sentinel lymph node analysis in laparoscopic colectomy for colon carcinoma.

结论结肠次全切除术及术中灌洗一期吻合术均为治疗左半结肠癌致肠梗阻的有效方法。Conclusion Subtotal colectomy and intraoperative colonic irrigation are effective methods for management of obstructive carcinoma in the left colon.

结论以单手辅助腹腔镜手术行次全结肠切除术来治疗蠕动缓慢型便秘是一安全可行的手术方式。A lyisi of adhesion was carried out for this case. Conclusion. Hand-assisted laparoscopic subtotal colectomy is a safe and feasible operation in the treatment of STC.

方法特发性慢传输型便秘患者12例,慢传输型合并出口梗阻型便秘患者1例,行结肠次全切除伴逆蠕动盲直吻合术。Methods 12 patients with idiopathic chronic slow-transit constipation and 1 patient with mixed chronic constipation, underwent subtotal colectomy with antiperistaltic cecoproctostomy.

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许多小结节证实行动中各地的肿瘤建议当地传播的癌症和左侧部分结肠,其中包括这些结节进行。Numerous small nodules were confirmed during the operation around the tumor suggesting local dissemination of the cancer and a left partial colectomy that included these nodules was performed.

其中一例在大肠切除一年半后产生了疼痛性的脐部结节,另一例则发现了脐部硬块并与阻塞性乙状结肠癌相关联。One patient developed a painful umbilical nodule 1.5 years after an uncomplicated colectomy. Another suffered an indurated umbilical nodule associated with an obstructive sigmoid colon cancer.