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谁把这儿搞得一团糟?。Who made this frigging mess?

上帝给人类最可怕的礼物。Dod's frigging gift to humanity.

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我一整天还没抽过烟呢。I've been frigging about all day.

为什么“web标准”这么混乱?Why are “web standards” so frigging messed up?

天,简直不可思议有些王八蛋怎么那么幸运!Jesus, it's frigging incredible how lucky some assholes can get.

你干吗不去找点活干而不再整天瞎胡闹?Why don't you do some work instead of just frigging around all day?

微软那底还要花多少资源去一次又一次地搞这种要命的文件同步平台?How on earth does Microsoft continue to pour massive resources into building the same frigging synchronization platforms again and again?

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春花,秋月,危亭,碧波,沉重的美好,染血的双手许不了一个永远。Spring flowers, fall moon, high kiosk, blue runing water, the frigging happiness and the eternity can't be promised for the bloody-red hands.

大部分的网页都是那些现在不知所措的人创建的,为什么这些网页,4年前花钱雇一个设计师开发的网页,现在看不了了呢?Most of them created by people who have no frigging idea what’s going on and why their web page, which they paid a designer to create 4 years ago, is now not working properly.

最要命的是,由于他们完全相信天气预报,从而忽略了携带至关重要的定位仪。The most frigging problem was that they trusted the weather forecast so much that they even did not bother to bring with them GPS, which is of crucial importance for mountaineering.