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我相信自然神论。I believe in Deism.

同时在宗教批判中逐渐形成了法国式的自然神论。And emerge French-style Deism in the religious criticism.

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然而,我们必须了解,欧洲的自然神论从未在美国生根。We must realize, however, that European Deism never took root in America.

这种形式的自然主义主张的密切关系,理性主义和自然神论。This form of naturalism stands in close relation with Rationalism and Deism.

伏尔泰的宗教思想是反教会、自然神论、宗教宽容三位一体。Voltaire's religion thoughts were a trinity of anti-church, deism and tolerant of religious.

渐渐地,自然神论的某些方面在美国知识分子之中产生了影响力。Gradually, some aspects of the movement known as Deism gained influence among a few American intellectuals.

这些殖民地歧视和迫害自然神论和无神论的信仰者,并且限制科学的发展。These colonies discriminated and persecuted believers in deism and atheism, and restricted the development of science.

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自然神论认为某位上帝创造了宇宙,然后退出历史舞台而让自然按照非人格的自然法则自己运行。Deism teaches that god created the cosmos and then backed off allowing it to operate on its own through impersonal natural laws.

最后,它是有别于自然神论,否认神的活跃,目前参与,在世界上的幸福和世界的历史。Finally, it is distinguished from Deism , which denies God's active, present participation in the world's being and the world's history.

此外,一些学者否定洛克是一个自然神论者,也否定独立宣言受自然神论或理性主义的启发。Furthermore some scholars deny that locke was a deist or that the declaration of independence draws its inspiration from deism or rationalism.

自然神论让我们在神已不存在中绝望,因为神不再托住衪造的万有。Deism leaves us with the despair of atheism in that God may as well be dead or nonexistent because he is not involved personally in his creation.

批判性的自然神论攻击并贬低了传统的基督教。伏尔泰、卢梭、汤玛斯•杰弗逊和本杰明•福兰克林都是自然神论信仰者。Critical deism attacked and downgraded conventional christianity. Voltaire rousseau thomas jefferson and benjamin franklin are rated among the deists.

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对于以马克斯·缪勒为代表的自然神论和以爱德华·泰勒为代表的万物有灵论等不同的宗教起源理论也进行了对比分析。The article also analyses some different religion origin theories such as Deism which persisted by Max Muller Deism and Myriad Things Have Soul which persisted by Edward Taylor.

舍夫茨别利受自然神论和新柏拉图主义影响,他超越了英国经验主义和新古典主义美学,在18世纪的英国开创了一股新的美学思潮。Influenced by the Deism and the Neoplatonism, Shaftesbury surpasses the 18th century aesthetics based on empiricism and neoclassicism and starts a new trend of aesthetics in Britain.

但是,要扭转对自然神论的认识,还需要进一步的专门研究,本文是这方面的一个尝试。Nevertheless, much more has to be done to turn over the simplification of deism and this work is therefore an initial attempt to call attention to and deepen the related research work.

休谟对传统宗教理性基础的批判,主要是体现在对自然神论的设计论证明与传统理性神学的天启宗教论证上。Hume rational basis for critique of traditional religions, primarily reflected in the design of deism that with the traditional theory of rational argument on the theology of the revealed religions.