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约翰•伯曼感谢肖雅瑜的会见。Johnny Bowman extended his gratitude to Xiao Yayu for his meeting.

在另一场景,她被认为是越来越接近合演约书亚猎户。In another scene she is seen getting close to co-star Joshua Bowman.

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波曼问了鲁伯特一些影迷提出的问题,所以仔细听听看,有没有你提出的问题哦!Bowman asked a handful of fan questions, so check it out and see if she picked yours!

放大部分的一节显示肾小球毛细血管和鲍曼的空间。Magnified portion of a section showing the glomerular capillaries and Bowman 's space.

与火绳枪手相比,弓箭手依赖的是自身体能。The bowman is dependent for real efficiency on his bodily strength much more than the arquebusier.

新闻文化处副领事包杰明向在场的媒体朋友和网友一一介绍美国传统节日食物的原料,历史。Deputy Public Affairs Officer Ben Bowman details the origins, ingredients, and customs behind many of the foods U.

布莱恩.鲍曼在纽约展开建筑师生涯,并完成数栋大楼的设计图,但却没有任何一个设计能付诸实践完成建造。Brian Bowman began career as an architect in New York and designed several buildings, none of which were ever built.

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这个来源于过去法国人将英国铸箭师手的中指砍掉,那么他们就永远不能拉动任何箭头了。It comes from when the french used to cut off the middle finger of english bowman so they couldn't fire any more arrows.

结果鸵鸟眼的角膜由上皮细胞层、前弹力层、基质层、后弹力层和内皮细胞层构成。Results The cornea of ostrich's eyes was composed of epithelium, Bowman layer, stroma , Descenet membrane and endothelium.

“快乐”于星期一下午回到了家,米丝蒂•鲍曼说,当他们离家越来越近时,车里的小狗开始变得兴奋起来。Happy went home Monday afternoon, and Misty Bowman said he started to get excited in the car as they got close to the house.

读了塔伯特的评论后,鲍曼在更衣室里可以肯定,他的天才看到了那些话。Upon reading Talbot's comments, Bowman used the locker room fodder to his advantage, making sure his prodigy read the remarks.

散文,反思与多元文化,让进入,多学科的创造性见解西娅鲍曼个人的回忆。Essays, reflections and personal reminiscences that give insight into the multicultural, multidisciplinary creativity of Thea Bowman.

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鲍曼说,车祸时菲尔普斯的右脚碰到了油门或展开的安全气囊,引起持续的疼痛。The impact caused Phelp's right foot to hit either the gas pedal or the airbag that deployed, causing him "residual pain, " Bowman said.

越是在压力下他越能放松心情,专注于比赛并超水平发挥,”鲍曼说,“这很不同寻常。”He can relax and focus on what he is doing when under pressure and actually, this sort of environment makes him perform better," Bowman said.

以致疾行者无法逃遁,强有力者无法施展,武士救不了自己。The swift shall be unable to flee and the strong man shall lose his strength. The warrior shall not save himself nor the bowman stand his ground.

对这位共和党候选人而言,这场战争,至少在目前阶段,并不像很多美国人预测的那样不吉利。"The war, at least at this stage, is not the albatross that many people predicted it would be for the Republican candidate, " said Karlyn Bowman.

美国企业研究所的鲍曼女士说,等到民主党和共和党八月底、九月初的提名大会之后,局势将进一步明朗。Public opinion analyst Karlyn Bowman says we should have a better idea after the major party political conventions in late August and early September.

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新的经济数据给美国的就业市场以及零售业描绘了一幅相当黯淡的画面。New economic statistics paint a somber picture for the U. S. job market as well as Americas retail sector. From Washington, VOAs Michael Bowman reports.

澳洲骑师布文匆匆赶来,刚好赶及拍摄其个人照片及与众骑师合照,进场时亦引起不少传媒注意。Australia's Hugh Bowman also gained some media attention when he arrived with just a few seconds to spare to join in the individual and group photographs.

加州帕格阿尔托市的计算机学习基金会执行主席萨莉·鲍曼·奥尔登说,学生和计算机的比例在全国范围内为16比1。Sally Bowman Alden, executive director of the Computer learning Foundation in Palo Alto'. says that the national ratio of students to computers is 16 to 1.