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CCT随近视眼患者屈光度数的增加有变薄的趋势。CCT will become thicker and thicker as myopia diopter increases.

学生远视屈光度逐渐下降,下降幅度随年龄组段的递增而减少。Following the age group increase the range of diopter declining is decrease.

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讨论儿童白内障手术治疗的时机、方式、屈光度的选择和术后处理。Discussing the surgical management of children with cataracts, choice of diopter and prognosis.

随着年龄的增长,人眼的屈光度有由近视向远视变化的趋势。With age increasing, the diopter of these subjects had a tendency of hypermetropia from myopia.

屈光度数回退量与年龄呈负相关,与术中切削区大小呈负相关。In addition, level that the diopter went back was related to age positively and with cutting area.

主要指标近视度数、角膜曲率、眼轴长度及角膜中央厚度。Main Outcome Measure Diopter of myopia, cornea curvature, axis length of eye and central cornea thickness.

目的探索学生半年眼屈光度变化与近视眼发病规律。Objectives To study the relationship between diopter dynamic change and myopia among student in half year.

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摘要准分子镭射眼科治疗机可以用来进行近视、远视、散光等屈光不正的矫正手术。The excimer laser refractive surgical instrument can be used to correct myopia hyperopia astigmatism diopter.

准分子激光眼科治疗机可以用来进行近视、远视、散光等屈光不正的矫正手术。The excimer laser refractive surgical instrument can be used to correct myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism diopter.

目的了解儿童和青少年高度近视的屈光度与眼底损害的关系。OBJECTIVE To observe the relationship between fundus damage and diopter in children and youths with high myopia.

图解法分析得出,两次屈光检查度数相差-0.25D左右时即被认为近视已停止进展。The diagram reveded that the myopia stopped advancing when the difference in examining diopter was about 0. 25D.

本文研究了有机物在金属电极上的标准吸附自由能与其摩尔折射度的关系。The paper deals with the relation between the absorption parameter of organic matter in the metal and mole diopter.

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利用A超、角膜地形图仪测定上述患者的角膜中央厚度、角膜中央屈光力及眼轴长度。To measure central corneal thickness, central corneal diopter and eye axis with ultrasonic A and corneal topography.

本文论述了一种采用旋转编码器与莫尔条纹测长相结合进行眼镜片的顶点屈光度。A digital diopter measuring instrument is described for lens spherical vertex power and cylindrical axis measurement.

中心提取精度达到亚像素级,利用标准球验证算法精度,屈光度误差小于0.25D。The precision can be brought to the order of sub-pixels by this algorithm and the mean error of diopter is less than 0.25D.

这些东西对于现在的手机游戏开发商来说,他们的认识程度和重视度都是不够高的。These things develop business to present mobile phone game for, their recognition level and heavy diopter are not quite tall.

研究结果直接应用于准分子激光屈光矫正系统,在临床实验中取得了很好的效果。The results have been directly applied to the ophthalmic excimer laser system and obtain successful effect in diopter Correction.

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目的探讨手持式自动角膜曲率计测量角膜屈光度的准确性及临床应用。Objective To investigate the accuracy of hand-held auto photokeratometer in measuring corneal diopter and its clinical application.

结论高度近视眼视力随眼轴延长、屈光度加深、眼底病变程度加重而降低。Conclusion The visual acuity should decline with axial length extension, diopter deepening and pathological deterioration of fundus.

近视患者经适当的屈光矫正后,按要求进行为期1年的前瞻性随访,每半年进行1次屈光状态、角膜曲率和眼轴的检测。The diopter, eye axis, and corneal curvature were examined every 6 months during 1-year follow-up after the diopter was properly rectified.