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在女生联谊会中,她的恶作剧总是欢乐的根源。Her escapades were a subject of merriment in the sorority house.

有时候,一点儿天真的嬉戏会使阴郁单调的生活增添一点生气。The cheerless monotony was sometimes enlivened with a little innocent merriment.

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但虽然如此她还是可以听到喧哗,和Comus混乱的嬉戏和他狂闹的随从。But nonetheless she can hear the riot and ill-managed merriment of Comus and his riotous crew.

镜头一摇,也随着欢跳起来,接着升起来俯瞰全景——欢笑延绵半英里。The camera swings and curvets in accord, then rises to survey the scene—half a mile of merriment.

让优质新颖的牧童产品把欢乐带给世界所有的孩子们!!!Let the superior quality novel shepherd boy product bring the world all children merriment ! ! ! !

我希望我的最好祝愿和真正思慕将带来您无边的快乐在这样一美妙的天。I hope my best wishes and genuine yearning will bring you boundless merriment on such a wonderful day.

人类的幸福与欢乐在于奋斗,而最有价值的是为理想而奋斗。Happiness of the mankind lie in with merriment to struggle, but the most worthy is struggled for ideal.

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兴高采烈的背后是对工会的严峻考验——能否迫使政府收回成命。Behind the merriment lies the toughest test this year of the unions' ability to force the government to back down.

现在男孩的脸上红润生动起来,他神态活泼,笑声充满真正的快乐。There was colour, light, and life in the boy's face now, vivacity in his manner, and genuine merriment in his laugh.

但珠儿被抓住的时候,她咯咯的笑声中虽然充满欢乐和鸣,却使母亲较前益发困惑。But Pearl's laugh, when she was caught, though full of merriment and music, made her mother more doubtful than before.

千百年来,人们使年俗庆祝活动变得异常丰富多彩。During the past thousand century, people makes the annual custom merriment become extraordinarily of colour and variety.

国王举办了一场盛大的宴席以表彰加仑和萝丝,久违的乐音和欢乐重又填满了城堡。The king held a great feast to honor Galen and Rose, and the long-absent sounds of music and merriment filled the castle.

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他指出,“如果你准备采用健康的,自由嬉戏的教学方法,你仍然需要证明你的教学效果如何。”"If you're going to introduce healthy, irreverent merriment , you've got to deliver the goods some way, " he pointed out.

飞溅裙的持久,快速干燥海滩远足,野营,和一般的欢乐各类的设计生活。The Splash Skirt's durable, quick-drying design lives for beach excursions, camping trips, and all kinds of general merriment.

在相互嬉笑和交流信息时,未成年的孩子们会熟悉其他的长辈和同龄人。Amid the merriment and the information exchange, the adolescents develop eyes for one another, in view of their elders and peers.

哈里的神经质表现和军中坏蛋的故意作对,便成为本片的笑闹根源。In Harry's nervous performance and the armed forces bastard's opposing intentionally, then becomes this piece the merriment root.

“天呀,真让我受益无穷,接着讲”,最后劳瑞终于将埋在沙发里的脑袋抬起来,忙不迭地催促,再看他已是红光满面,双目炯炯。"Oh! That does me no end of good. Tell on, please, " he said, taking his face out of the sofa cushion, red and shining with merriment.

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狮子座和双子座相配的最重要原因之一就是他们都喜欢有趣、好玩的事情。The compatibility of Gemini and Leo is mostly driven by their unique ability to be involved in any activity that is full of fun and merriment.

然而到十二月的时候,情况完全不同了。这个通常同欢乐与喜悦联系起来的季节却令人倍感压力。Come December however, it's an entirely different story. The time of year generally associated with merriment and cheer can be incredibly stressful.

当然了,听歌的目的主要还是放松自己,让自己在不同的节奏中去享受不同的快乐。Certainly , It is main nevertheless loosens self to hear song aim , Allowwing self to be living in the difference rhythm enjoys difference merriment.