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愿基督的圣血,护祐我得到永生。The Celebrant receives the Body of Christ.

愿基督的圣血,护祐我得到永生。The Celebrant receives the Precious Blood.

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主持弥撒的神甫在祭坛上穿上祭袍。The celebrant vested himself in the sanctuary.

如果只有一个执事,他考虑他的位置在右边的礼。If there is only one deacon , he takes his place at the right of the celebrant.

感觉好像你是一个牧师,他的行为是在圣体礼的地位。Feel as though you're standing by a priest as he acts as celebrant during Eucharist.

我接受了葬礼庆典仪式训练,所以,技术上,我是一个时尚设计师,也是一个葬礼司仪。I did funeral celebrancy training so that, technically, I’m a fashion designer and funeral celebrant.

婚礼监礼人给出了简短的欢迎和介绍性讲话,才宣布新娘的入口。The wedding celebrant gives a brief welcome and an introductory speech before announcing the bride's entrance.

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主礼者或任何人士,在主礼或协助礼仪的时候,不论任何时侯都不可以让双手在身旁前后摇动或悬摆。At no time should the celebrant or any other person officiating or assisting allow hands to swing at the sides or dangle.

我甚至把我的研究更进了一步。我接受了葬礼庆典仪式训练,所以,技术上,我是一个时尚设计师,也是一个葬礼司仪。I've even taken my work a step further. I did funeral celebrancy training so that, technically, I'm a fashion designer and funeral celebrant.

原来,这是果物浦大都会教堂首次对全英现场直播午夜弥撒盛况呢。The First Mass of Christmas live from Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral. The Celebrant and Preacher is the Most Rev Patrick Kelly Archbishop of Liverpool.

原来,这是利物浦大都会教堂首次对全英现场直播午夜弥撒盛况呢。The First Mass of Christmas live from Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral. The Celebrant and Preacher is the Most Rev Patrick Kelly, Archbishop of Liverpool.

首批一百三十二位婚姻监礼人获得委任。拟结婚人士可聘用婚姻监礼人在任何时间及任何位于香港的地方为他们主持婚礼。The first batch of 132 marriage celebrants was appointed. Marrying couples may engage a civil celebrant to celebrate their marriage anytime anywhere in Hong Kong.