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请您多多指教。Kindly give us your advice.

请把这一段文字解释一下。Kindly explain this passage.

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莉莎特和蔼地看了他一眼。Lisette gave him a kindly look.

烦请通知印刷工厂。Pls kindly inform printing fty.

我们应该爱护动物。We should treat animals kindly.

能有劳您能拼一下吗?Would you kindly spell it for me?

请代我向你的家人问候。Kindly remember me to your family.

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伤恸、困难的时候,一句亲切的话。A kindly word in grief's dark hour.

他和和气气地拍拍她肩膀。He pats her kindly on the shoulder.

这只老海鸥慈祥地望着他。The old seagull looked at him kindly.

往下说吧,亲爱的,”他和和气气地说。Try again, my dear, ' said he kindly.

那个学生亲切地为我囗译。The student kindly interpreted for me.

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您的外祖父看起来人很好!Your grandfather has a very kindly air.

她总是亲切地和孩子们说话。She always spoke kindly to the children.

请给我开一张回执好吗?Will you kindly give me a receipt for it?

在家里与人谈话要和气。o Talk kindly to each other in your home.

你温柔的心肠就会春光一派。And thy relenting heart would kindly warm.

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请立即把余额汇给我们。Kindly remit us the balance without delay.

那位妇女答道。她放好了粉盒,慈祥地微笑着。She put away her compact and smiled kindly.

她放好了粉盒,慈祥地微笑着。She put away her compact and smiled kindly.