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耶酥是谁?Who Was Jesus?

请回到耶稣里面来。Come back to Jesus.

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主是常与你同在的。Jesus is with thee.

耶稣是个治病的术士。Jesus was a healer.

耶稣教导睚鲁。Jesus teaches Jairus.

你在寻找耶稣吗?Are you seeking Jesus?

卡卡属于上帝。Kaka belongs to Jesus.

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父神差派了耶稣。The Father sent Jesus.

耶稣是我的一切。Jesus is my Everything.

耶稣说话像谜一样。Jesus talks in riddles.

向着耶稣唱,活下去!Sing to Jesus and live!

他们在我身上看到耶酥了吗?。Do they see Jesus in me.

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耶稣是被拣选的那一位。Jesus is the Chosen One.

只有耶稣能够救赎你。Only Jesus can save you.

奉耶稣基督的名求。Because of Jesus we pray.

耶稣是蒙祝福的那一位。Jesus is the Blessed One.

耶稣是那房角石。Jesus is the Cornerstone.

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耶稣基督是左派吗?Was Jesus Christ a lefty?

基督喜欢钉死我。Jesus loves crucifying me.

耶稣就和他们同去。Then Jesus went with them.