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杰克是位勇敢的击球手。Jack is a brave batsman.

那个击球手被判出局。The batsman was given out.

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头一个击球员被迫退场了。The first batsman was bowled out.

裁判员裁定击球手出局。The umpire ruled that the batsman was out.

击球手在第一局中就因击出的球被悬空截住而出局。The batsman was caught out in the first rum.

击球手在第一局中就因击出的球被悬空截住而出局。The batsman was caught out in the first run.

英格兰板球队首发击球手。Opening batsman for the England cricket team.

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有多少种方式使击球手退场?How many different ways may a batsman be given out?

击球员把球猛击向外场员。The batsman slammed the ball straight at a fielder.

有多少种方式使击球手退场?Whenever the batsman chopped at the ball, he hit it.

击球手走向三柱门时响起一阵掌声。There was applause as the batsman walked out to the wicket.

约翰的一个刁球使对方击球手出局。A skilful ball from John put out the opposing team's batsman.

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我们队以七名击球员未出局而获胜。We won by six wickets, ie won with seven of our batsman not out.

由于轮数不限,击球手可以从容得分。As the overs are unlimited, a batsman can take his time to score runs.

如果击球手的身体或球板将自己门柱上的横木碰落,则该击球手出局。If the batsman dislodges his own stumps with his body or bat, he is out.

一个难球传来,击球队员把它打到自己的三柱门而后出局。A difficult ball came through,the batsman played on to his wicket and was out.

在板球比赛中,如果击球手击出的球被一个外野手接到了,那么击球手就出局了。In cricket, if a batsman hits the ball and one of the fielders catches it, the batsman is out.

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在任何情况下,如果球似乎并不会击中门柱,则击球手不应出局。In any case, if it seems that the ball would not have struck the stumps, the batsman is not out.

所投之球可以直接击中门柱,或经击球手的球板或身体折射击中门柱。The ball can either have struck the stumps directly, or have been deflected off the bat or body of the batsman.

从球场的一端将板球猛掷给在另一端的击球手,在整个过程中保持手臂平直。Ball from one end of the pitch toward the batsman at the other, keeping the arm straight throughout the delivery.