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这半秒内,一切物体都失重了。We're all weightless during half a second.

不过线程本身却赢得了“轻便”的名声。But the threading itself earns the "weightless" name.

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作用力将只剩下重力,对我或是对壶。Only gravitation would act upon us and we would be weightless.

如果我从桌子上跳下来,我也有大约0。5秒的失重。If I jump off the table I will be weightless for about half a second.

这大概就是您能够选择的最简单的轻便线程调度程序了。This is about the simplest weightless thread scheduler you could choose.

它是一个轻与鸿毛且能随意佩戴的微型技术奇迹。It is a weightless technological mini-wonder you can wear with comfort anywhere.

往基地发送信号,起锚了,失重了,也不用计算时间。Sending signals back to base, unmoored and weightless and no longer marking time.

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所以你会短时间的感觉到无重力,或者感到自己变轻了So, you will feel weightless for a short time or you'll feel your weight is little.

但是要是你认为失重,就是不受重力那就大错特错了It's wrong to think that you feel weightless because you escaped the pull of gravity.

对于轻便线程来说,它们的需求与协同程序的需求稍有不同。For weightless threads, the requirements are slightly different from those for coroutines.

它没有重量,你能看到它,如果你把它放进一个桶里,它将会使桶变轻。It is weightless , you can see it and if you put it in a barrel it will make the barrel lighter?

可以说如果我从桌子上跳下来,半空中的时间,也是失重状态的。It also means that if I jump off the table that I'm weightless while I am in mid-air, so to speak.

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绳子没有张力,完全松弛,不管吊着的是你还是水桶,均为失重状态。So the string has no tension, the string goes limp and the bucket of water and you are weightless.

如果我从100米的楼上跳下去,无重量时间大概是4。5秒,忽略空气阻力不计。If I jump from a tower which is 100 meters high I will be weightless for 4.5 seconds ignoring air drag.

这就是为什么在火箭和宇宙飞船里,失重的宇航员和物体会在空中漂浮。And this is why, in rockets and space capsules, weightless astronauts and objects float about in the air.

在艾布瑞妮充满敬畏的手指间,宝石温暖而有活力,却没有丝毫重量,就像它能自行飘浮。In Ambreene's awed fingers, the gem seemed warm and alive-and weightless , as if it could float on its own.

跳下的半秒内失重,落地时的1/5秒,重量大约接近600磅。I jump for half a second, weightless hit the floor for about two-tenths of a second maybe close to 600 pounds.

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在如此拘谨的生活环境中,必须保持个人卫生,然而无重力的环境让洗漱变成了一件精细的活儿。In such close quarters personal hygiene is a must, but the weightless conditions make washing a delicate chore.

我站在那里觉得轻飘飘的,好像感觉不到我的鞋跟接触着地面。I feel weightless standing there, like I’m not sure if the soles of my shoes are connected to the sidewalk anymore.

好了,灯亮了,信号来了,他们摘了耳机,一切物体都会失重。There you go-- light goes on, they get a warning, they take their headphones off and everything becomes weightless.