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预张力的影响。The effect of pretension.

他有话直说,不装相。He spoke without pretension.

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这世界是他的,他看穿了它的假面。The world is his, who can see through its pretension.

在第一种情况下,作品承载过重,永恒矫作虚荣。In the first case there is overloading and pretension to the eternal.

读者可以感觉到她文章中的狂妄自负令人反感.Readers may find the pretension and arrogance of her style irritating.

这是我一生中从没听说过的最厚颜无耻的一项要求了。It is the most impudent piece of pretension I ever heard of in my life.

好的,有谁觉得食物是很美味的而一点点做作是没关系的?Okay, who thinks the food is delicious and a little pretension never hurt anyone?

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张拉膜结构的刚度是通过给膜材施加预张力来实现的。The tensioned membrane structure's sti?ness is formed by applying pretension to it.

我们昨天晚上去了牛津联盟酒吧,这绝对是很棒的经典借口。We went the Oxford Union bar, which was absolutely amazing in its sheer classy pretension.

然而这些日记的动人之处恰恰在于不虚饰。Yet it is precisely in the lack of pretension that the fascination of these Journals rests.

而我能看到的唯一区别是旅游和旅行者之间的貌似公平的自欺欺人The only difference I can see between tourists and travellers is a fair whack of pretension.

他关心的只是这演出能勉强过得去,这样他在演出结束后可以有个借口向嘉莉表示祝贺。All he cared for was to have it endurable enough to allow for pretension and congratulation afterward.

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获得了膜的各向预应力、索的预拉力和索的形状之间的内在联系。Then the internal relations between the prestress of membrane, pretension of cable and cable form were found.

即使把这种冒认放在我的最严肃的信念这一边,我也仍要不折不扣地非难它和斥责它。And I denounce and reprobate this pretension not the less, if put forth on the side of my most solemn convictions.

认为人类在宇宙中扮演的角色与其他事物与众不同,则是一种傲慢的自负。It is arrogant pretension in man to believe that his role in the universe is different from that of other objects.

凡自命对文学有一丁点鉴赏力的人,都不可能对希腊罗马的吸引力无动于衷。No one who has the slightest pretension to literary tastes can be insensible to the attraction of Greece and Rome.

人们称为王权的这种人间妄念也从没有把上界的权否认到如此程度。Never had that pretension here below which is called the right of kings denied to such a point the right from on high.

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以及一切为反对天主的智识所树立的高寨,并掳获一切人的心意,使之服从基督。And every pretension raising itself against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive in obedience to Christ.

佛山体育中心新体育馆屋面是轮辐式的全张拉索膜结构。The wheel-spoke shaped integral pretension cable-membrane structure is adopted in the new stadium of Foshan sports center.

而再过两年,我们将再一次体会比那更令人兴奋的时刻,我们将拥有更大的自豪与骄傲!And after two years , we will experience the exciting moment which more than before , and will own more pride and pretension !