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独立和器件。Independent and on-device.

你是一个独立的人吗?Are you an independent person?

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他是位无偏见的观察者。He is an independent observer.

爱茶的人,与红尘无关。Love tea, and the independent.

没有独立媒体。There were no independent media.

独立的男女同校研究院Coed, independent graduate school

这显示出你是独立的。It shows that you are independent.

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所有分子都是独立的。The molecules are all independent.

独立丝杠和饲料杆。Independent leadscrew and feed rod.

因为他是一个自成一家的词人。Because he is a poet of independent.

他们的思想倾向于独立。They tend to be independent as well.

具有独立法人地位。Has an independent legal personality.

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他决心成为一个独立的石油商。He decided to be an independent oilman.

它是平台和硬件独立的。It is platform and hardware independent.

它在1948年独立,定名锡兰。As Ceylon, it became independent in 1948.

我转台到独立电影频道。I turned to the Independent Film Channel.

有独立的法人资格。Having the independent corporate capacity.

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STAT5是独立的预后因子。STAT5 is an independent prognostic factor.

所谓割据,必须是武装的。An independent regime must be an armed one.

登加成了一名独立赏金猎人。Dengar became an independent bounty hunter.