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论文抄袭。Thesis plagiarism.

怎样才能写好作文?How can write the thesis?

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论文分七章。The thesis has seven parts.

本论文共七章。This thesis has seven chapters.

而论文就是你的陈述。And the thesis is your statement.

本文分为七章。This thesis contains seven parts.

本论文共五章。This thesis covers five chapters.

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能申请论文答辩吗?Can apply for thesis oral defense?

他正在努力地撰写论文。He is working hard at this thesis.

本论文的研究包括三部分的内容。The thesis divides nto three parts.

荒谬艺术之怪论,漫天乱谈情土力。Art thesis on mood, earth and force.

本文同开为六章。This thesis is made of six chapters.

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这个论断当然是无法证实的。This thesis is unprovable, of course.

爱因斯坦读过他的论文并且喜欢它。Einstein read the thesis and loved it.

本文共分七章。The thesis consists of seven chapters.

论文共分为九章。There are nine chapters in this thesis.

作为大学四年级教师,彼得正在写毕业论文。As a senior, eter is writing his thesis.

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我在论文中引用了大量参考资料。I have loaded my thesis with references.

我觉得应该有人以此为题,写一篇专门的论文。Someone should write a thesis about that.

整篇论文分为如下六章。The whole thesis falls into six chapters.