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第三点是分权制Third is decentralization.

目前的时尚是要求地方分权。The current vogue is for decentralization.

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不信任权威,提倡去中心化。Mistrust Authority--Promote Decentralization.

但权力分散又会产生相应的问题。But decentralization raises problems of its own.

放权?谁在哪方面得到多大的权力?。Decentralization ? who gets how much power over what?

这两套体制都有助于权力的分散。Both systems contribute to the decentralization of power.

国会的选举制度也鼓励分散。The electoral system for Congress also encourages decentralization.

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法体模式应是统一立法与单行立法相结合。The systems mode of the law should include uniform and decentralization.

我们不能再支持老旧的主权理论模式,而妨碍地方分权制度的实施。We should clear the dated sovereignty theory from the way of decentralization.

分散权力迎合自由放任主义和自由人道主义。The decentralization of power appeals to individualism and libertarian humanism.

分散权力迎合自由放任主义和自由人道主义。The decentralization of power appeals to individualism and libertarian humanism.

美国政治体制中有促进权力分散的多项特徵。Many features of the American political system promote the decentralization of power.

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这个新闻周刊是由世行管理的“权利下放支助基金”资助的。The newsweekly is supported by the Bank-administered Decentralization Support Facility.

第二,国际力量对比更加均衡。Second, decentralization. The power structure among countries will become more balanced.

论述了有效的分权管理的中心条件——代表制。The author discusses the central condition for effective decentralization is representation.

旧中国中央集权与地方分权相互竞争,相互交替。The centralization and the decentralization in the old China competed and alternate mutually.

但是这就意味着地方分权,是他们自我认知的基本组成部分But it does mean that this decentralization is an essential part of who they thought they were.

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美国的立法权力通过两院制国会而分散。Decentralization of power in the U.S. legislative process is furthered by a bicameral Congress.

另外,他说,这种权力下放应该既是财政上的也是政治上的,就像在孟加拉。Also, this decentralization should be financial as well as political, as in Bangladesh, he says.

权力下放影响了政府的每一个部门,包括兽医服务单位。Decentralization has affected almost every sector in the government, including veterinary services.