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通常,带状异位主要见于女性。In general, band heterotopia is seen largely in women.

“异托邦”作为一种新的空间概念越来越受到人们的关注。"Heterotopia", as a new concept of space, is gained more and more attention.

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皮质下型7例,4例合并胼胝体发育不全。Subcortical heterotopia in 7,4 cases with callosal agenesis were accompanied.

就这些吊诡性而言,花园无疑地是个异质空间。As far as these paradoxes are concerned, the garden is definitely a heterotopia.

第三章香港黑帮片的异托邦另类世界。Chapter III It focuses on the heterotopia alternative world of Hong Kong gangsters films.

这两方面的原因促成了异质空间、乌托邦与都市文化批评之间的机缘。So it's possible and effective to study city spaces with method of Heterotopia and Utopia.

福柯提出的“异质空间”概念当代电影批评具有独特的理论价值。It focus on Foucault's conception of heterotopia and its particular value of theory to contemporary movie criticism.

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临床症状的严重性主要与皮质受累的区域和带状异位的厚度有关。Severity of clinical symptoms is related to the area of the cortex involved and the thickness of the band heterotopia.

英国的都市计划将都柏林建设成补偿性的异托邦,结果与爱尔兰市民实际经历的都市空间相互冲突。The urban plan designed by Britain as a heterotopia of compensation clashes with the space experienced by Irish citizens.

仿佛在一个严格限定的区域内展开了一片无边无垠的宇宙,欢迎孩子们在这里异想天开。As if an infinite universe was opening up inside a strictly defined area, welcoming a heterotopia reserved for the children.

其中6例患儿显示有神经影像学异常,包括脑发育不全或萎缩、灰质异位、脑白质软化等。Neuroimaging abnormalities were found in 6 cases, including atelencephalia or atrophy, gray matter heterotopia and leucomalacia.

带状异位在MRI上表现为一个平滑的灰质带位于脑室和皮质之间,中间夹以脑白质。Band heterotopia is diagnosed by visualization on MRI of a smooth layer of gray matter separated from the cortex and ventricles by white matter.

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各种类型都表现为在第二个十年出现癫痫并伴有相当于异位区域的认知障碍。All types typically present with epilepsy in the second decade of life with disorders of cognition being proportionate to the area of heterotopia.

与此同时,通过对于城市“异托邦”历史街区保护特征的解读,探究历史街区作为“异托邦”的营造策略。At the same time, through the interpretation of the Historic Districts in the Protection Features, explore the strategy of creating historic district as a"Heterotopia".

本文借助徐州回笼窝历史街区的改造更新案例为依托,丰富对于“异托邦”空间性质的理解,并且拓展历史街区的保护意义。With the help of Huilongwo Historic District's reconstruction Updating, we enrich the understanding of the "Heterotopia"spatial nature, and expand the protection of historic districts.