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当然是电视。Television definitely.

是的,在电视上看。Yes. On the television.

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一切都在电视中被播出。It was all on television.

这是电视上拍下来的。It was on the television.

你能修我的电视机吗?Can you fix my television?

这是一架彩色电视机。This is a color television.

电视机是不会退让的。Television will not go away.

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电视天线杆在哪?Where is the television mast?

电视画面模糊不清。The television picture's muzzy.

有没有装有电视的房间?Is there a room with television?

他们也在电视上说过这话。They talked about on television.

为什么一个42英寸等离子电视?。Why a 42-inch Plasma Television?

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是的,我是在电视上看的。Yes, I watched it on television.

我们那台老电视终于坏掉了。Our old television finally broke.

电视是首犯。Television was the first culprit.

电视以嘟嘟的信号报告19点钟。The television bleeps 19 o'clock.

你应该少看电视。You should watch less television.

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他客串了一个电视系列剧。He guested on a television series.

电视是足球的衣食父母。Television is football's demiurge.

电视报道开始软化。Television reports were emollient.