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那张桌子有点摇晃!That table's a bit wonky !

唯一的隐患是他脆弱的小手指。The only potential hiccup is his wonky pinkie.

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它的目的是使急速对恢复德来说不那么鸡肋。It was aimed at not making haste such a wonky stat for Resto.

一份最新的研究报告指出入耳式耳塞可能影响心脏起搏器的正常功能。A new study found that headphone ear buds can make them a bit wonky.

你的架构图上的每个框图或者箭头总有靠不住的时候,这是确定无疑的。Sooner or later, every single box and arrow on your architecture diagram will go wonky.

三分之一的人嫌自己的牙不够白,四分之一的人担心自己站得不直。A third grumble that their teeth aren't white enough and a quarter worry that they're wonky.

事实上,他的演说可能是今年唯一就联邦体制的动摇这一话题发表看法的。In fact, his may be the only announcement speech this year to offer a view on the wonky topic of federalism.

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大概在九点左右,我去查看电子邮件,只为了去意识到我必须要呼叫我的网络供应者,因为我的连接非常地不稳定。Around 9 AM, I try to check email, only to realize I need to call my Internet provider because my connection is incredibly wonky.

电视制造商和软件公司经历多年艰难摸索,如今终于由雅虎公司贡献出切实有效的家庭宽带上网经验。After years of wonky attempts from TV makers and software companies, Yahoo finally offers a couch-based Web-surfing experience that actually works.

刚开始我担心自己讲得过于详细,在回答问题的时候可能出现“政策不靠谱”,很快我就意识到人们不太关心外在,更在乎内容。At first I worried about being too detailed and policy wonky in the answers, but I soon realized that people were looking for substance over style.

无论等级、不分职位,我们全心全意为民,竭诚做好细致的工作,毫不动摇地履行职责。No grade, no position. We just do for people heart and soul. Doing the meticulous work with all our hearts. Performing the obligation with no wonky.

我家的房子正对大街,是一幢破烂不堪的带塔楼的维多利亚式建筑。玛吉和肯的房子却正对着我们侧面。While our house ---- a wonky Victorian pile complete with turrets ---- faced on to the street in the normal way, theirs was turned sideways to face ours.

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虽然我被换到了另一个相对比较舒适一点的房间,但是他们对我的抱怨好像爱理不理的,所以我想那张摇摇晃晃的床垫仍然还在923号房间。Although I was switched to another room with relative ease, they took very little interest in my complaint, so I guess the wonky mattress still lives on in Rm 923.

他易伤的膝盖说是完全康复了,但他在以后的职业生涯里都得在膝盖上带上支架,这只能证明他的健康是多么的脆弱。His wonky knee is said to be fully healthy, but he'll need to wear a knee brace for the rest of his career which only underscored just how fragile his health remains.

这是一次有些大胆,而且纯理论化的发言,不过也提供了一些有用的洞见,关于为什么绝大多数人都未能预测到这次危机,以及经济学同行们从中能够得到何种教训。The talk is a bit wonky and academic, but it provides some useful insight on why most failed to predict this crisis and what the lessons are for the economic profession.

你可能从来没有多想甲状腺是干什么的,但你开始变得虚弱时,你会想知道为什么无论你怎么努力,减肥都显得很困难。While you probably never think twice about what it does for you, when it starts to go wonky you'll wonder why no matter what your efforts are you just can't lose weight.