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这可能是大脑自我组织临界的另一个例子吗?Could it be another example of self-organised criticality in the brain?

但是要说缺什么的话,他们通常有些,缺乏批判性。but if there's anything lacking, it's often, sort of, kind of criticality.

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自组织临界性为灾害问题的研究开辟了新途径。Self-organized criticality opens up a new way to the investigation of disasters.

自我组织临界的典型例子就是一个慢慢堆砌的沙堆。The quintessential example of self-organised criticality is a growing sand pile.

用FMECA方法对机械设备的故障模式、影响及致命度进行了分析。This paper analyzes fault mode, effect and criticality of machinery with FMECA mode.

在其它系统,例如乏燃料池中,有一些防止达到临界状态的机制。In other systems, such as a spent fuel pool, mechanisms are in place to prevent criticality.

测试人员可能会通过考虑用户社区中功能的临界性来对测试优先性进行排序。Testers may choose to prioritize testing by the criticality of function to the user community.

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专业地来说,在混乱边缘的系统被称为是在“自我组织的临界状态”。In technical terms, systems on the edge of chaos are said to be in a state of "self-organised criticality".

可能因为自我组织临界是许多脑功能的完美始点。Perhaps because self-organised criticality is the perfect starting point for many of the brain's functions.

如何对次临界反应堆的次临界度进行监测是ADS研究中的一项重要内容。How to measure or monitor the sub- criticality of a subcritical reactor of ADS is a key issue of ADS research.

这些病人都是在各个国家的危难和痛苦,以及在不同阶段的临界状态。These patients are presented in various states of distress and pain as well as in different stages of criticality.

应用TRIPOLI-4.3对HTR-10进行了初次临界物理计算,并且与已有的MCNP4B的计算结果进行了比较。HTR-10 initial criticality was calculated with TRIPOLI-4.3 code and compared with the previous results from MCNP4B.

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1999年9月30日,日本JCO有限公司一座铀转化设施的辅助工厂发生了一起核临界事故。A criticality accident occurred at the Tokai mura Conversion Plant subsidiary to JCO in Japan on 30th September, 1999.

提前行动的优势是如此明显,以至于第一名拥有一切,第二名什么也得不到。The criticality of early mover advantage is so high that winner takes all, and there is nothing left for second winner.

这一研究与其他研究共同揭示股市崩溃是金融市场自组织临界性的表现。This and other studies suggest that stock market crashes are a sign of self-organized criticality in financial markets.

这个结果揭示了纠缠,洛克斯密特回波,退相干以及临界性之间的内在联系。This result indicates the intrinsic relation between entanglement, Loschmidt echo, decoherence and quantum criticality.

最近,开始逐渐清晰的一点就是,大脑活动也有大范围自我组织临界的迹象。More recently, it has become clear that brain activity also shows signs of self-organised criticality on a larger scale.

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Begg的结果为证明自我组织临界对神经元中的小网络非常重要提供非常好的证据。Beggs's work provides good evidence that self-organised criticality is important on the level of small networks of neurons.

算法中,首先按照线长和约束限制,将线网划分到若干个优先队列中。First, the nets are arranged into different priority queues according to their weighted sum of their length and criticality.

印度外交部花了58才勉强承认在国际事务中军事外交的危险局面。The Indian Foreign Office took 58 years to grudgingly acknowledge the criticality of military diplomacy in international affairs.