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结果调查人群的两周患病率为18。Results The two-week prevalence rate was 18.

结果调查人群的二周患病率为191。Results The two- week prevalence rate was 191.

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探测蚊患情况的诱蚊产卵器。An ovitrap device detects the prevalence of mosquitoes.

2005年,夸祖鲁─纳塔尔省的病患率最高KwaZulu-Natal has the highest prevalence rate, as of 2005

我国是丙型肝炎的高发区。Our country has high prevalence with chronic hepatitis C.

目前,患有衣原体感染和淋病的人数正日益增加。The prevalence of gonorrhea and chlamydia are increasing.

在阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患者中,夜尿症发病率非常高。The prevalence of nocturia is high among patients with OSAS.

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气候变化可能也会有助于增加其流行程度。Climate change may also be helping to increase its prevalence.

高盐饮食会增加胃癌的患病率。High-salt diet will increase the prevalence of gastric cancer.

出生缺陷发生率随着孕产次的增加而明显提高。The prevalence rates increased with increasing gravidity or parity.

急慢性肝损伤病死率高,其治疗始终是较为棘手的问题。There are high prevalence and fatality rates of MS in AMI patients.

自1992年以来,乌干达的艾滋病感染减少了一多半。Since 1992 , hiv prevalence in uganda has dropped by more than half.

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对儿童多采用当时盛行的问答法。The prevalence of children to use more questions and answers at law.

在艾滋病毒高度和低度流行环境中管理极端耐药结核疑似患者Management of XDR-TB suspects in high and low HIV prevalence settings

我国是乙型肝炎的高发地区,故乙肝后肝硬化是一个庞大的群体。There is high prevalence of liver cirrhosis B virus-related in china.

其发病率随年龄增长呈上升趋势,男性多于女性。Its prevalence went high with age, and was highe in men than in women.

营养相关疾病患病率较高。The prevalence rate of nutrition-related diseases was relatively high.

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目的分析银川市儿童青少年龋病患病的发展趋势及特点。Objective To assess the dental caries prevalence of children in Yinchuan.

该文对隐孢子虫病的流行与诊断进行了综述。This review deals with the prevalence and diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis.

但专家指出,异地恋的流行是有一些现实因素的。But experts attribute the prevalence of LDRs today to a number of factors.