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杂活落到了他的头上。The chore fell to him.

我们该怎样分担这些家务呢?So how should we share the chore?

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一个你之前没有做的麻烦事会来恼你。A chore you didn't do nags at you.

在劳动日这一天,每一个家庭成员都要参加一些劳动。Everybody had a job to do on chore day.

雇员被免于重新搭架子这样的家务琐事。Clerks are spared the chore of reshelving.

你的伴侣有什么不喜欢做的杂务吗?Does your spouse have a chore they despise?

削一袋又一袋洋芋皮真是苦差使。Peeling bags of potatoes is really a chore.

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许多人将见证理解为一项事奉的重担,若不去作便感到内疚。Many people see witnessing as a holy chore that induces guilt.

星期二早晨,一支八人组成的搜索队开始了不屈不挠的苦苦搜寻。An eight-man search team began its grim chore on Tuesday morning.

我那为猫砂盒掏粪的小家务,换种说法的话,就是那让人抓狂的历史。My litter box duty, on the other hand, is now a chore of the past.

为了生计,他准备接受任何有酬报的杂活。He is prepared to make a living by accepting any remunerative chore.

为了生计,他准备接受任何有酬报的杂活。He is prepared to make a living by accepting any remunerative chore.

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我其实感到欣慰的是四不处理这个苦差事我。I'm actually thankful that the quad doesn't handle this chore for me.

而且Ant用手来编写所有的构建代码确实很遭罪。It truly is a chore to be forced to write all this build code by hand.

走完这些过场后,朱莉给我指派今天的头一个任务。Soon after these niceties, Julie assigns me my first chore of the day.

每次孩子自己做完一次家务或完成一项任务,就给孩子加分。Each time your child completes a chore or task on his own, award points.

但是过了一段时间,那种兴奋感逐渐消退后,它就往往变成一件苦差事了。But after a while, that excitement tends to wear off and it becomes a chore.

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交换变量是在每个编程人员的生活中每天都要做的事。Swapping variables is something of a daily chore in every programmer's life.

如果你按时更新的话,这就不会成为恐怖的假期杂事了。If you do this on a regular basis, it does not become a dreaded holiday chore.

她希望员工每星期分担办公室重要巡视的杂事。She wants employees to share the chore of leading tours of the office each week.