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达内尔是一位专业采蛇毒者。Darnell is a snake milker.

亨利挤奶器一个手动的真空泵。The Henry Milker is a hand-operated vacuum pump.

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亨利挤奶器是一个手动的真空泵。The Henry Milker is a hand-operated vacuum pump.

亨利挤奶器是一个手动的真空泵。The Henry Milker is a hand-operatedvaccumvacuum pump.

使用亨利挤奶器的平均挤奶时间为10分钟。The average milking time with the Henry Milker is 10 minutes.

这可是加利福利亚最棒的奶牛了。I have here a nice beautiful new cow, the best milker in California.

现在麦克亨利的挤奶器平均挤奶时间为10分钟。The average milking time with the Henry milker Milker is 10 minutes.

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并专注于提高牛奶质量,食品生产,奶牛和挤奶员的生存环境。We aim to improve milk quality, food production, animal welfare and the environment of both animal and milker.

这时从小屋里走出来一个挤奶工人,和他们在一块儿了,因此他们共同关心的问题就没有再谈。They were joined by a milker from one of the cottages, and no more was said on that which concerned them so deeply.

使用亨利挤奶器的平均挤奶时间为10分钟。迈克•亨利说,只用以前一半的时间,米莉现在就能出2公升的奶。The average milking time with the Henry Milker is 10 minutes. Mike Henry says Millie now gives about 2 liters in half that time.

最引人注目的景象是穿着阿拉伯长袍的女牧民蹲在地上触摸山羊的奶头,感觉奶羊不好就把它放开。The most notable sight was a Bedouin woman in a burka squatting down to test the udders of a goat and rejecting it as not a promising milker.