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难道他们没有看过2007年“MADtv”节目对“iPad”这个名字的恶搞吗?Did they not see "MADtv's" iPad parody in 2007?

“这孩子”精练的语言略似对低成本的西部电影的一种戏仿。The kid's terseness is a mild parody of B-movie westerns.

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反乌托邦文学是对乌托邦文学的讽刺性模拟。Anti-Utopian literature is a parody of Utopian literature.

长期来看,拙劣地模仿这种模式当然简单。In the long run, of course, it was easy enough to parody it.

最后,而且最悲惨地,丑陋变成一个他自己的。Finally, and most tragically, Caliban becomes a parody of himself.

因此,我们倾向于做一个比它的史瑞克模仿消息更多。So we lean more toward the message than doing a Shrek parody of it.

她笑了,一面扭动着肩膀,做出一副。She laughed, twisting her shoulder in a horrible parody of coquetry.

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其中第一篇小说「夜晚海洋之旅」在许多层面上都可视为是一篇后现代戏拟。First, it is a parody of one kind of Realist Novel, the apprenticeship novel.

在小说中,唐纳德·巴塞尔姆进行了大胆的语言试验,采用了戏仿,拼贴等手段。In the novel Barthelme gave full play to language by using parody and collage.

它可分为一词多义双关、同音异义双关、仿拟双关、语法双关等。It can be divided into polysemy pun, homonym parody pun, pun, grammar pun, etc.

在众多的语言修辞手法中,仿拟高频率地出现在广告之中。Among so many language devices, parody enjoys frequent appearance in advertisements.

当然,与任何具有破坏力的武器一样,戏仿也是一柄双刃剑。However, Parody as a means of culture reproduction can also be a double blade sword.

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时代杂志昨日发布了部分摘要,读起来就像是蹩脚拙劣的模仿文。Parts of the excerpts released by Time magazine yesterday read like a jarring parody.

这个场景在无数卡通片和喜剧中出现过,但现实生活中确有此事吗?The scene is in countless cartoons and comedies, but is this parody based on reality?

对照一下这个解释,它其实是一种病态的假想。But compare this explanation and this is actually from a parody the malade imaginaire.

传统的仿拟辞格的研究主要集中于对其构成特点和修辞效果的分析。Traditional study of parody was mainly focused on its formation and rhetorical effects.

时间是变化的财富。时钟模仿它,却只有变化而无财富。——泰戈尔。Time is the wealth of change. The clock in its parody makes it mere change and no wealth.

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改变在于通过时间起作用,而钟表用它自己的把戏使得改变仅仅是变化而不起作用。Time is the weath of change, but the clock in its parody makes it mere change and no weath.

巧妙灵活的仿拟格在网络语言所运用的各种修辞方式中颇具特色。Artful and flexible parody is one kind of characteristic rhetoric modes in Internet language.

但他并不主张摹拟,而是力求诗句的自然匀稳。However, he does not support parody but advocates the natural balance of all the lines instead.