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我们得对殖民主义进行再探索。We need to re-explore Colonialism.

新老殖民主义是一脉相传的。Colonialism and neocolonialism are in the same strain.

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他们终于摆说了殖民主义的桎桔。They succeeded in throwing off the yoke of colonialism.

在殖民政策前两性关系是什麽样子?What were gender relationships like before colonialism?

马克思从不放过任何谴责殖民主义的机会。Marx never lost an opportunity to castigate colonialism.

在殖民政策前两性关系是什么样子?What were gender relationships like before colonialism ?

他们企图以新殖民主义代替老殖民主义。They are trying to replace old colonialism with neo- colonialism.

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汉萨同盟是日耳曼人向东扩张和殖民过程中形成的。It formed In the process of Germanic east expansion and colonialism.

谈到欧洲对非洲殖民,我们不需要挑灯读历史。We don't hold a candle to Europe whn it comes to African colonialism.

这些价值观很重要,对于任何一个反对殖民主义的国家来说。These were important values to any nation fighting against colonialism.

但大体上整个大陆殖民政策的持续时间还是相当长的。But on a whole, colonialism for the entire continent lasted only so long.

新殖民主义是殖民主义在新的历史时期的一种表现。Neo-colonialism is a performance of colonialism in the new historical period.

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他的研究重点是中东国家何以能够摆脱殖民主义。His emphasis was on how Middle Eastern countries could emerge from colonialism.

南部非洲混合法域的形成与殖民主义密切相关。The formation of Southern Africa mixed jurisdiction is closely related to colonialism.

但由于殖民主义的发展,基督徒知道了原来有其他的世界宗教。But with the idea that there are other world religions, that had to do with colonialism.

戈迪默以犀利的笔锋对帝国殖民主义进行了讽刺,在作品中求得艺术的真实。Gordimer bitterly criticizes the imperial colonialism and seeks artistic truth in her novels.

军事干预政治的现象起源于反对葡萄牙殖民主义的斗争。Military intervention in politics stems largely from the fight against Portuguese colonialism.

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后殖民理论的兴起为我们消解西方话语中心提供了理论基础。The emergence of post- colonialism provides us a theoretical foundation to digest the Westernism.

思考在至少两个不同的社会中,殖民政策已如何改变性别关系?Consider how colonialism has transformed gender relationships in at least two different societies.

这听起来的确像是一种新的殖民主义。然而究竟如何定义“殖民主义”呢?It sounds definitely a neocolonialism though lacking a clear idea of how to definite "colonialism".