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其实我不愿意成为一名插画师。I actually hated being an Illustrator.

张葱是一名插画家、漫画家。Baiiiiiiii is an illustrator and comic artist.

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弗兰茨·维索特是一位法国的插画师。Franz Vesolt is a illustrator based in France.

我正在寻找一位经验丰富的卡通插画家。I'm looking for an experienced Cartoon illustrator.

她母亲则是一位知名的艺术和插画家。Hermother was a well-known artist and book illustrator.

哔叽是从法国辉煌的自由职业插画家。Serge is a brilliant freelance illustrator from France.

史墨涵打趣地自称是一个“生活的插画师”。Shi Mohan jocularly calls herself a "life illustrator".

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玛蒂尔德·奥布叶是位法国的平面设计师、插画师。Mathilde Aubier is a french graphic designer, illustrator.

首先,我在Illustrator中创建了这些相当简单的形状。I started by creating these fairly simple shapes in Illustrator.

麦当娜找了不同的画家分别为这五本薄薄的儿童书绘制插图。A different illustrator was hired for each of the five slim volumes.

还有一位早期的浪漫派诗人,他还是一位插图画家哦。And there is one other early Romantic, who was an illustrator as well.

如果你是一个网页设计师,你可能需要Photoshop和Illustrator。If you’re a web designer, you probably need Photoshop and Illustrator.

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米卡·利德贝格,另一位疯狂而多产的插图家,他有一些虚幻作品。Micah Lidberg, another crazy prolific illustrator with some unreal work.

有时辰我在纸上画手绘草稿,有时辰在Illustrator里做草图。Sometimes I sketch on paper and others I start sketching in Illustrator.

玛利亚成了一个演员,尼尔成了歌词作家,而西莉亚想要成为插画家。Maria becomes an actress, Niall a songwriter, Celia a would-be illustrator.

乔依斯是一个成功的儿童作家及插图画家。JOYCE, a successful children's book author and illustrator whose works include.

返回Illustrator,用钢笔工具沿着线稿周围创建路径。Back to Illustrator. Using the Pen Tool to create a path along the sketch lines.

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我的名字是拉斯,目前我是一个插图,画家和设计师型生化需氧量。My name is Russ, at the moment I'm an illustrator , painter and designer type bod.

如果你想成为合格的插图者,那你就要学画人体。If you want to be an illustrator of any stripe, then you must learn to draw people.

珍妮斯和她的妹妹,戴安娜Arneson插画家可能已经把这四周。Jeanne Kraus and her illustrator sister, Diana Arneson may have turned that around.