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我们对他的好意感激万分。We were much beholden to him for his kindness.

美国并没有施恩于中国,但中国是“西方国家的人质”。The U.S. is not beholden to China, but China is “hostage to the West.”

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他对将他推上台的军队和其他人有太深的感激之情。He's too beholden to the military and the other people who put him in power.

他们当然会对金主们感恩戴德,然后腐化政府。They also make themselves more beholden to campaign donors, corrupting government.

贸易商表示,与稀土元素相比,全球对稀有金属的需求不那么受制于中国。In comparison with earths, demand for minor metals is less beholden to China, traders say.

今天的智能手机用户仍离不开被称为SIM卡的小小塑料片。To use our smart phones, most of us are still beholden to pieces of plastic known as SIM cards.

然而,研究者们通过好几种方式逐渐开始认识到耳朵对我们人类的意义。Yet in ways that researchers are just beginning to appreciate, we humans are beholden to our ears.

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他们乐意帮助他人,也愿意替国王或领主工作,但却不认为自己被控制。He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them.

我们对中国、沙乌地阿拉伯还有其他国家是有责任的,如何从平衡国家收支的预算去处理国际债务。From a balanced budget to international debt that makes us beholden to the Chinese, Saudis, and on and on.

但是如果没有猛禽们对克服重力的上升气流敏锐的判断力,人们常常错失良机。But without a raptor's sharply honed sense for the gravity-defying updrafts , humans are beholden to chance.

全球交易撮合者还发现,自己受制于中国反垄断局的少数年轻技术官员。Global deal makers are also finding themselves beholden to a handful of young technocratsatits anti- monopoly bureau.

但是如果没有猛禽们对克服重力的上升气流敏锐的判断力,人们常常错失良机。But without a raptor's sharply honed sense for the gravity-defying updrafts , humans are beholden to chance. Until now.

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一些抗议者表示,他们希望自己的努力成果不要被某一政党或者候选人所占有、所利用。Several protesters said they want their effort to avoid being co-opted by or beholden to a particular party or candidate.

只有具备一定规模的企业才执行这一法案。按照FMLA的规定,这些企业提供在一年内12周无薪休假。Only companies of a certain size are beholden to the FMLA, which offers up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave during a 12-month period.

同样,你也剥夺了非洲人公民的权力,因为政府只对国外捐助者表示感谢,对自己的人民却没考虑进去。You also disenfranchise African citizens, because the government is beholden to foreign donors and not accountable to its people.

因此,环境保护部需要依靠地方的环保部门去执行法律,而这些环保部门又隶属于当地政府。So, the ministry depends on local environmental bureaus to enforce legislation and those bureaus are beholden to local governments.

如果你们不这么做的话,要知道,你们在审判日的时候是要在我们的主耶稣基督面前在祂的注视下交账的。And if you do not do this, know that you are beholden to render an account before your Lord God Jesus Christ on the day of Judgment.

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有些雇员已经跳槽到较小的投资银行或大型对手那边去,因为这些新东家不像花旗一样拿了大笔的政府纾困金而处处受限。Some Citigroup workers have already left for small, boutique investment banks or large rivals that are not so beholden to the government.

弗莱德曼说中国面临的另外一个问题是对美国的依赖性。美国并没有施恩于中国,但中国是“西方国家的人质”。Another problem China faces is its dependence on the U.S. says Friedman. The U.S. is not beholden to China, but China is “hostage to the West.”

最初,特朗普主要是自掏腰包参加初选,他在竞选巡回演讲中以此作为卖点,称自己不受特殊利益牵制。Trump initially mostly self-financed his primary campaign, using it as a selling point on the stump that he was not beholden to special interests.