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使用沙林毒气的是谁?Who use the sarin gas?

我们非常确定的估计已经使用沙林。We assess with high confidence that Sarin has been used.

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沙林毒剂是目前化学恐怖威胁最大的一类毒剂。The Sarin is one of most terror-stricken chemical toxicants now.

实验室的结论非常明确,样本中存在沙林毒气。The conclusions of the laboratory are clear. There is sarin gas.

当混乱平息下来时,有5千多人遭到沙林毒气毒害,12人死亡。When it was over, more than 5,000 people had been poisoned by sarin nerve gas, 12 died.

远藤诚一在大学里学习病毒和基因工程,并参与制造了沙林毒气。He had studied viruses and genetic engineering at university and helped make the sarin gas.

我们接受了740受害者和在两小时内找到了,这是沙林毒气袭击了他们。We accepted 740 victims and in two hours figured out that it was sarin gas that had hit them.

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沙林毒气的可怕之处在于它无色无嗅,比氢化物还要毒上500倍。Sarin is to be feared because it is invisible, odourless and 500 times more deadly than cyanide.

这是世界上首宗使用沙林神经毒气施袭的重大化学武器事件。It was the world's first major chemical attack using sarin , a nerve attacks the respiratory system.

用高斯软件对光气、路易氏气、沙林等的红外光谱和太赫兹光谱进行了理论模拟。In this paper, the THz and infrared spectrum of Phosgen and Lewisite and Sarin are calculated by the Gaussian theory.

新的研究发现接触沙林后发生心功能不全的老鼠模型与人类的情况类似。New research has found that the pattern of heart dysfunction with sarin exposure in mice resembles that seen in humans.

作为一种神经系统乙酰胆碱酯酶的抑制剂,沙林可导致抽搐、呼吸停止和死亡。As an inhibitor of the nervous system enzyme acetylcholinesterase, sarin can cause convulsions, stoppage of breathing and death.

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众所周知的还有他与日本恐怖分子麻原彰晃的联系。他把麻原彰晃描述为他的“朋友,尽管不完美”。这已经是在东京沙林毒气袭击之后。Well known became his relationship with the Japanese terrorist, Shoko Asahara, whom he described, even after the Tokyo sarin gas attacks, as his "friend, albeit an imperfect one".