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我要扮个妖怪。I'm gonna be a genie.

迈达斯国王碰见了一个精灵。King Midas met a genie.

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一只神怪站到了她面前。Genie stood in front of her.

一只神怪站到了她面前。A Genie stood in front of her.

我从妖精那里得到小钢琴师的”。I got the pianist from the genie".

我得到了这个里面有个妖精的神灯。I have got this lamp with a genie in it.

一女子使劲擦了擦神灯,只听“扑”一声,一个精灵应声而出。A woman rubs a lamp and out pops a genie.

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这样一个妖怪如何能够破石而出的呢?How would such a genie get out of the bottle?

他要精灵帮他盖间漂亮的宫殿。He asked the genie to build him a nice palace.

很快一个妖精从灯里现身了。Soon a genie manifests itself from the bottle.

龙虾妖和布噜卟一起快乐地玩耍。Lobster genie and Bloop played happily together.

如果一个神仙出现,你会许哪三个愿望呢?If a genie appeared, what would your 3 wishes be?

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他发现一盏古老的灯,一擦,竟然有一妖怪跳将出来。He found an old lamp, rubbed it, and a genie came out.

但是,这时的文件共享已经是魔法瓶子逃出的精灵。But by that time the file-sharing genie was out of the bottle.

精灵同意了,只听“扑”一声,乖乖,那只猫立刻变成布拉德皮特的克隆版!The genie agrees and—poof!—the cat turns into a Brad Pitt clone.

一个妖怪突然就飞了出来,他说“我将给你们每人3个愿望。”A genie pops out. He says "I will grant each of you three wishes."

正如伊拉克的苦难已经揭示出的,宗派主义是一个危险的精灵。As Iraq's agony has made clear, sectarianism is a dangerous genie.

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一场惊天动地的人妖之恋,道尽了三界的儿女情长。An earthshaking genie narcissists, word of all three ErNvQingChang.

如果神灯的精灵要许你三个愿望,你会许那三个愿望?。If a genie in a lamp were to grant you 3 wishes, what would they be?

你总是那么幽默。你跟卓文萱是什么时候认识的。You are still as humourous as ever . When did you get to know Genie?