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我想得那个奖。I wanted that award.

诺贝尔奖冇嚸诎亽噫外。And a surprise Nobel award.

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希望我们都能中大奖。I hope we can in the award.

奖品等您拿。An award is waiting for you.

这个奖对我来说很重要。This award means a lot to me.

入围“国家图书奖”。Finalist, National Book Award.

那部电影获得了噢斯卡奖。The movie won the Oscar award.

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惊喜大奖等你拿!Grand award is waiting for you!

关于移动健康联合奖学金About the mHealth Alliance Award

他的马赢得了最高奖。His horse won the highest award.

他嫉妒的他朋友获奖。He begrudged his friend the award.

他羡慕他的朋友获奖。He begrudged his friend the award.

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奖品叫做“屈原杯”。The award is called "Qu Yuan Cup."

史密斯文学奖。H. Smith Award and Heinemann Award.

这部电影获得了今年的奥斯卡金奖.It has got this year`s Oscar Award.

它得了格莱美奖真当之无愧啊。It's worth the Grammy Award it won.

她嫉妒她的朋友获奖。She begrudged her friend the award.

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因为您的身教言教,颁给您最佳教师奖。The best teachers award goes to you.

屠呦呦获奖因为她的三个“第一”。Tu got the award for three "firsts".

他走向前去领奖。He moved forward to accept the award.