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沙文主义者的或与其有关的。Of or relating to a chauvinistic patriot.

邦德电影有时赞颂了邦德性格中的沙文主义。The Bond films glorify the sometimes chauvinistic persona of Bond.

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海明威历来被作为一个典型的男权主义作家看待。Hemingway has been regarded as one of typical male chauvinistic writers.

她也素闻尼克的大男子主义及其在公司的显赫地位。She knows of Nick's chauvinistic reputation and his star status at the agency.

在考虑大美沙文利益的时候想想世界的福祉。And seeing others' suffering when considering your chauvinistic interests of great America.

这可能是我们这一物种独有的依恋学习的沙文主义使然。This may have to do with our chauvinistic attachment to learning as an exclusive mark of our species.

年轻的妇女通常会由于盲目的听从那些在社会上普遍存在的花言巧语,而认为自己应该是低级的人。Young women would often times see themselves as inferior because of the chauvinistic rhetoric that was common in society.

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但如果在亚洲妇女之间有隐而不见的联系,那必定会受到具有沙文主义之男性的不平等对待。But if there is an underlying connection among Asian women, it must be in the unfair treatment we receive from chauvinistic men.

我希望同一个来自自己祖籍文化的年轻人结婚,虽然我发现他们有点自大,这点我认为他们需要改进。Anyway, I hope to marry a guy from my own culture though I often find them chauvinistic and I really think they should step up their game.

但实际上我们高估了学习,把它当成一件难事,这与我们的沙文主义情节——把学习当成是人类特有的能力——不无关系。But learning is overrated as something difficult to evolve. This may have to do with our chauvinistic attachment to learning as an exclusive mark of our species.

「性别圣战要对抗的是男性沙文主义、恐同心理和性别歧视对于回教经文的诠释,」会议的策划人之一阿布德诺˙普拉多表示。"Gender jihad is the struggle against male chauvinistic , homophobic or sexist readings of the Islamic sacred texts, " said Abdennur Prado, one of the meeting's Spanish organisers.

泰戈尔对西方工业机器文明作出了深刻反思,并严厉批判了西方及日本的民族利己主义。While Tagore praised the industrial civilization emerging in the West, he strongly criticized the selfishness and ruthlessness of chauvinistic nationalism upheld by the West and Japan.