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这可能并不可行。It would not have been viable.

也是一个可行的产业,”桑格说。It's a viable business," Sango said.

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神经保护是否为青光眼的可行疗法?。Is Neuroprotection a Viable Therapy for Glaucoma?

Boals说对此有几种解释。Boals said there were several viable explanations.


嗯,这取决于怎么理解“可行的”。Well, it depends what one understands by "viable".

我认为这是一个切实可行的复谈思路。I believe this is a viable way to resume the talks.

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可是,有一个问题是,这些事情是否重要。One viable question is whether any of this matters.

但这样做的成本太高,商业上尚不可行。But this is too expensive to be commercially viable.

但是现在并没有明确的合适统治者和别种政权供人选择。But it is unclear who or what is a viable alternative.

即便这是一个可行的方式,但Pedram批评说Although this is a viable approach, Pedram criticizes that

对于不开车的雇员来说,拼车也是解决通勤问题的可行之道。It is also a viable solution for employees who do not drive.

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“宫外孕是无效的怀孕,”她说。"Ectopic pregnancies are not viable pregnancies, " she says.

山泉水管道系统就是一个例子。A penstock carrying mountain water would be a viable example.

创业堪称一条可行的解决之道,而并非一种叛逆之选。Entrepreneurship can be a viable path, not a renegade choice.

我也不大想以后了,我没有任何可行的想法。I do not want the future, and I do not have any viable ideas.

这种制度无论从纯理论上还是“进化版”上都不可行。It's not a viable system whether in pure or adulterated form.

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这是解决朝核问题的唯一现实出路。This is the only viable solution to the Korean nuclear issue.

生物燃料也被视为一种可行的对气候友好的能源。It is also seen as a viable source of climate-friendly energy.

两种交互方式都是可行的复合设计方案。Both interaction styles are viable ways of compositions design.