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只有力量,敏捷,战斗技能会受伤口影响。AGI and combat skills are affected by wounds.

更切实际的是去计划好”高等“AGI出现后的时期。Planning for the period while advanced AGI emerges is more practical.

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初步认为箭载碘化银的剂量以载4克和2克为好。A preliminary study suggests that 4 grams or 2 grams of AgI is desirable.

一些小团体的计算机科学家正在做综合研究,但是。Some small groups of computer scientists are doing AGI research, however.

据AGI通讯社报道,帕瓦罗蒂的身体情况“非常糟糕”,但是并没有说明消息来源。AGI said Pavarotti was in "very serious condition. " It didn't name its sources.

他是德国艺术指导俱乐部,纽约字体艺术指导俱乐部和国际平面设计师协会会员。He is a member of ADC Germany, TDC New York, and AGI Alliance Graphique International.

要计划好”超人类“AGI出现后的世界是一件困难的事情,因为未知太大、太广泛。Planning for the world after superhuman AGI exists is a hard thing because the unknowns are so large and prevalent.

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与高耐磨炉黑增强的硫化胶相比,MDMA增强的EVM硫化胶具有较好的耐热氧老化性能。Compared with high abrasion furnace black reinforced EVM vulcanizate, the vulcanizate containing MDMA had good agi ng resistance properties.

我们还不知道获得强大AGI最有效的途径将会是什么,但是作为一名研究人员,我打赌是一个综合和发展的道路。We don't yet know what the most efficient path to powerful AGI will be, but as a researcher, my bet is on an integrative and developmental approach.

未曝光PTG样片经热显影后,在室内光照条件下产生灰雾的程度不同。When unexposed PTG materials with in-situ AgBr and AgI were thermally processed, different fogs of PTG materials were formed under room light illumination.

但也存在某些不足,如改性沥青加工过程中的温度老化、贮存稳定性及在紫外线作用下降解加速材料老化等问题。However, some drawbacks exist, such as high temperature agi ng in process of modification, low storage stability and degradation acceleration under ultraviolet.

设计不只是将整体的体块视作功能的容器,建筑师将其发展成类似于社会文化基础设施之一。Instead of treating the general volume as a mere container of functions, AGi architects developed a proposal that is formally similar to one of social and cultural infrastructure.

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用AGI作为一项检测指标或许能够预测这些慢性并发症的发生发展以及对这些疾病的预防和治疗或许有指导意义。To use AGI as a surrogate index in predicting the occurrence of chronic complications and design intervention approaches of prevention and therapeutics is a very interesting field of research.