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所有17例之体鞘形成都如足月儿一样已完成。The myelination process of all cases were completed as normal term infants.

因此,前脑的绝缘化是在青少年晚期和二十岁初期完成的。So it is with the forebrain's myelination during the late teens and early 20s.

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电镜观察再生神经纤维的髓鞘形成。Myelination on regenerated nerve fibers was investigated under electronic microscope.

神经元轴突因子对中枢神经系统的髓鞘形成发挥重要作用。Neuron axonal signals play an important role in myelination of central nervous system.

这里它作为“组织中心”将髓鞘形成的必要蛋白聚集起来。There it acts as an "organising centre", bringing together key proteins essential for myelination.

髓鞘形成关键时期暴露于环境因子,可造成终生的影响。Exposure to environmental factors during crucial periods of myelination can have lifelong consequences.

髓鞘形成通常出现在脑干、丘脑和内囊后肢。Myelination is usually present in the brainstem, thalamus, and posterior limbs of the internal capsules.

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研究人员说可能是由于视觉信息的减少,使得髓鞘形成的量也随之减少。The researchers suggest this may be because of the reduced amount of myelination in the absence of visual input.

其他颞叶癫痫的磁振变化如孔脑症、髓鞘化迟缓则与脑缺血一缺氧病变比较具相关性。However, cases with porencephaly, global atrophy or delayed myelination of unilateral temporal lobe on MRI were more related to HIE.

这些结果支持人的胎儿前脑轴突中PSA-NCAM的表达反而与最初的髓鞘形成有关的观点。These results support the idea that in the human fetal forebrain axonal PSA-NCAM expression is inversely related to primary myelination.

现在我们知道,经常使用的神经细胞线路会得到增强、加固,并且通过“髓鞘形成”的进行过程得到永久保存。We now know that frequently used neuronal circuits are reinforced, consolidated, and made permanent through an ongoing process of " myelination ".

他还有大量的支持他理论的基础数据,小蛋白在脑子的髓鞘的形成中起了相同的作用。He also has a hunch, supported by preliminary data, that prion proteins will turn out to play the same part in supporting myelination in the brain.

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青春期之后才学习乐器的人,只会增加前脑白质的发育程度,因为只剩前脑还在形成髓鞘。In people who learned after adolescence, white matter development was increased only in the forebrain—the region that was still undergoing myelination.

如果髓鞘大多在我们20多岁就完全形成了,是否会牴触最近有关脑到了中、老年期还具有可塑性的说法?If myelination is largely finished in a person's 20s, however, does that contradict recent claims that the brain remains plastic throughout middle and old age?

一般相信,白质异常反映的是神经元髓鞘有缺陷以及神经元发育异常。The white matter abnormalities are thought to reflect both defects in myelination and developmental abnormalities in neurons affecting these white matter connections.

脑白质营养不良并非一个独立的疾病,而是一组最常见于儿童的髓鞘形成或维持发生障碍的遗传性疾病的总称。Leukodystrophy is not an independent disease, but a general name of a group of genetic diseases with myelination or maintains disorder which often happens in children.

额叶是髓鞘最后形成的脑区,这些脑区负责高阶理解、策划与判断,这是只有透过经验学习才能学会的技巧。The frontal lobes are the last places where myelination occurs. These regions are responsible for higher-level reasoning, planning and judgment—skills that only come with experience.