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是无法观察到的。They are not observable.

这种倾向以可以观察到的运动形式呈现出来。The tendency precipitates into observable motion.

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它为参与者产生了一个看的见的结果或数据值。It should yield an observable result or value for the actor.

麦加利烈度是由可观测地震破坏确定的。The Mercalli Scale is based on observable earthquake damage.

中子星拥有直接观测到的最为致密的物质。Neutron stars contain the densest known matter that is directly observable.

本文提出了状态完全可观冗余度的概念。In this paper, a concept of the degree of observable redundancy is proposed.

它并非一种从外表上就可以观察到的特征,除非你刻意标榜自己。And it’s not an externally observable characteristic unless you want to flaunt it.

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对家族的爱和忠诚是他们两大显著的特征。Loyalty and affection toward kin are two of a wolfs more observable characteristics.

传输线传播时间甚小于脉波宽情况下不易显示反射。Reflection is hardly observable for line transition time much less than pulse width.

这个新的方案是状态完全可控和状态完全可观察的,因而是一个好的方案。This new system is controllable and observable for all. states. So it is a good one.

第三,各府粮价也呈现大致四年的周期性波动。Third, by and large a four-year cyclical movement is also observable in all prefectures.

这款车的设计,达到了最小的噪音,最小的雷达和热探测隐蔽性。The MLV is of low observable design with minimised acoustic, radar and thermal signatures.

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通常,无论观测者如何感兴趣一个系统不在特征态里。Usually, a system will not be in an eigenstate of whatever observable we are interested in.

假如操作者光谱是发散的,可见仅能获得那些离散特征值。If the operator's spectrum is discrete, the observable can only attain those discrete eigenvalues.

像有创造性和合适的设计这样的被忽视的商品显著地增加。There has also been an observable surge of such neglected commodities as creativity and true design.

等电点的测定结果证实了该三元共聚物具有明显的两性特征。The results of the isoelectric point show the terpolymers to have the observable amphoteric characteristic.

可观测岛的量测残差为零时,并不意味其状态估计结果不受其它关键量测误差的污染。The zero residual in a observable island does not mean the state estimation results not to be contaminated.

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目的制作颜色鲜明,结构清晰,易于观察的卡。Objective To make bright color, clear and observable specimens of Pneumocystis carinii cyst and trophozoite.

你可能可以想象不同的宇宙相互碰撞并留下痕迹和可观察的效应。It’s possible that you could imagine universes bumping into each other and leaving traces, observable effects.

在这种情况下,平差观测量应如何选取是该文讨论的问题。Under this condition, how to select the adjustment observable will be the problem to be discussed in the paper.