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零售商用降价对此作出反应。Retailers have responded by slashing prices.

他在用刀猛砍她的脸部与脖子。He was slashing her face and neck with a knife.

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那么你建议我们现在就开始互相拆台?Are you suggesting we start slashing each other's throats?

这意味着龙钩镰割是好的武器。This means that the Dragon Scimitar is a good Slashing Weapon.

Sabre一直都在大幅削减成本,并将业务外包到波兰和印度。Sabre has been slashing costs and shipping work to Poland and India.

浆纱是液处理的第一过程。Slashing is the first process in which liquid treatment is involved.

期望通过降价促销提高销售量是无法获得最后的成功的。Slashing prices in the hopes of increasing sales volume is a no-win game.

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我们还不必马上缩减预算赤字,而威胁经济复苏。We need not threaten the recovery by immediately slashing budget deficits.

砍杀将在今年晚些时候开始,所以请稍微有点耐心。The hacking and slashing will begin later this year, so be a little more patient.

据指称,虐待包括殴打、用刀割伤,用热水烫伤。Abuse allegedly included beatings, slashing with a knife, and scalding with hot water.

侏儒蹒跚的追着他,挥舞着火炬连削带砍,猛戳石人的眼。The dwarf waddled after him, slashing with the torch, jabbing it at the stone man's eyes.

风还是那么的劲,象千万把刀划过脸颊,让人无处躲藏。The wind was still blowing, slashing my face like thousands of knives. I had no protection.

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此外,汇丰银行昨天在宣布裁员计划的同时,宣布了利润增长的利好消息。HSBC, on the other hand, announced its job slashing plans along with an increase in profits.

查尔斯和他的朋友都主张了大约7英亩林地的所有权并开始垦荒。Charles and his friends each claimed about seven acres of timberland and began slashing away.

由于美联储将利率降至接近于零的水平,负债经营的企业突然发现他们的利息成本大幅降低。By slashing interest rates to nothing, leveraged firms suddenly had much lower interest costs.

我用刀砍青树枝的时候,割破了手,血从伤口处不停地流了出来。Slashing off green branches with my knife, I cut my hand and blood spurted freely from my wound.

同时的,在松散而开放的阵型中,砍杀才变得可行,刺杀成了次要的选择。And likewise in a loose and open order, slashing becomes viable and stabbing is the weaker option.

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在苛刻的作业工况下,焦炭塔运行若干年后会出现筒体鼓胀变形。In slashing running conditions, the bulging deformation of coke drums may appear after some years.

与此同时,政府也在削减税收,承诺加快出口退税的进程。Meanwhile the government is slashing taxes and promising faster processing for export tax rebates.

一阵狂风掀走了整个房顶,在劈头盖脸的雨水中,一家人紧紧地依偎在一起。A blast of wind lifted the entire roof off the house. The whole family huddled in the slashing rain.