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这个单词有点贬义。The word has a pejorative overtone.

我当时不知道这会带有负面意义。I didn't know it would be a pejorative.

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我发现,文章的落脚点是偏激的且具有误导性的。I find the whole slant of this article pejorative and misleading.

我承认我有野心,但我不认为这是个贬义词。I agree I am ambitious, and I don't see that as a pejorative term.

我说‘很基’并没有轻蔑的意思,这是个事实,没人能否定。I'm not using gay in the pejorative sense, but Batman is very, very gay.

品尝术语,用来描述一种像植物的香味。通常用作贬义。Vegetal Tasting term used to describe a vegetable like aroma. Usually pejorative.

在民族旅游语境中,商品化经常带有贬义色彩。In the context of ethnic tourism, commercialization often has a pejorative connotation.

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我拒绝这个说法,因为我不愿接受工作含有贬义的看法。I balked at that statement because I refuse to accept the belief that work is a pejorative.

因为他个子小,取人小鬼大四字中两个字“人小”算是轻蔑的称呼。Because he was small, and little man in four characters two characters" small" is a pejorative term.

许多人把神话这个词用作贬义,神话意味着描述的故事事实上是不存在的。Many use the term myth in a pejorative sense to mean that the stories described are not factually true.

我们不能把社会保障视为社会福利,因为社会保险是个贬义词且政客们不想因此而冒犯社会。We don’t call Social Security “welfare” because it’s a pejorative term and politicians don’t want to offend.

我的父亲,为了他收入不高的工作保留和放弃很多,这样做的根本就是他是一个巨大的挥霍者。For my father, who saved or gave away so much of his modest income, the ultimate pejorative was "big spender."

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然而,我们就是不读拉斯金的书也知道,竞争也是带有贬意的,哪怕是在美语的用法中也是这样。Yet we need not be readers of Ruskin to know that competition also has a pejorative sense, even in American usage.

技术行话,不论多专业或是多富含技术性,此类意含嘲讽的写法皆不宜使用。Jargon is inappropriate, whether elevated, as in specialized technical language, or demeaning, as in a pejorative gibe.

尽管一些罗姆人极力维护“吉普赛人”这一称呼,但这一传统词汇在一些人看来充满着蔑视的味道,其他人则认为它不够精准。The traditional word “Gypsy” is seen as pejorative by some and inaccurate by others though some Romanies robustly defend its use.

洛克伍德教授说这是一个“肤浅的名称”,因为在蒙德极小期发生的事与冰河时代相比实际上大相径庭。Professor Lockwood said it was a "pejorative name" because what happened during the Maunder Minimum "was actually nothing like an ice age at all".

这些批评圣约神学的人用了“替代神学”这个轻蔑的词,来描述他们所相信的圣约神学的教导。Some of these critics of Covenant Theology use the pejorative term "Replacement Theology" to describe what they believe Covenant Theology teaches.

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但是,新闻媒体也应尽一切努力来保证讨论以文明的方式进行,并阻止传播谎言或对他人的贬义攻击。But news organizations also should make every effort to keep the discussion civil and to discourage the dissemination of falsehoods or pejorative attacks on others.

现在铺天盖地到处都是负面的贬词,丰田正在把这些都导引到他们的网站上并控制信息流动,这种努力应该说还算得体。There's a lot of negative and pejorative stuff out there and they seem to be doing a decent job of directing things to their website and controlling the flow of information.

“创想家”是对想当企业家,但又没有全身心投入或是以一种随随便便态度对待此事的人的俚语称呼,含贬义。Wantrapreneur is a pejorative slang word for a person who wants to be an entrepreneur, but has either not made the full commitment or is pursuing the endeavor in a haphazard manner.