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他的“葡萄酒酒厂”叫做母鹿后臀,是家族笑话的主要源泉之一。His "winery" was called Doe Haunch and was a major family joke.

他的“葡萄酒酒厂”叫做母鹿后臀,是家族笑话的主要源泉之一。His “winery” was called Doe Haunch and was a major family joke.

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再次从臀部开始,双手放松,用手背轻轻拍打皮肤。Start again from the haunch and loose your hands to beat skin gently.

轻握拳头,双手交替捶打右臀部。Clench your fist lightly to beat the right haunch by two hands in turn.

腋撑的上、下端分别和框架梁、框架柱刚接。The haunch braces are connected rigidly with structural beams and columns.

放松手指,两掌相对,快速劈两臀部。And then loose your fingers with two palms face-to-face to chop the haunch fast.

正在格外小心,我然我的手,他腋发现一个高尔夫球大小的肿块。Being extra careful, I ran my hand over his haunch and found a golf ball sized lump.

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鹿肉烧得恰到好处,大家都说,从来没有见过这么肥的腰肉。The venison was roasted to a turn -- and everybody said they never saw so fat a haunch.

用同样的手法,从臀部顶向外侧把拇指压进肌肉。Press your thumb to the muscle from the top of haunch outside with the same method as above.

他在农贸市场以很便宜的价格买了一斤后臀尖。He bought a kilo of hunched part of the haunch pork at very cheap price in the vegetable market.

火腿熏制于1902年,P.D.的这只盐腌、烟熏猪后腿原本该在同年运送给客户。Cured in 1902, his salted and smoked pig haunch should have been shipped to a customer that same year.

加腋型节点的塑性铰在远离柱翼缘面的梁上形成。Studies indicate that the connection with welded haunch shifts plastic hinge away from the face of the column.

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本片详细讲述了如何运用按摩手法,对头部、上肢、腰部、下肢和足部穴位进行养生保健。This film will introduce how hand massage can be applied on the acupoints of head, upper limbs, haunch , crura and feet.

双手靠拢,平放在臀部。手指伸展指尖略微上翘。向着肩膀的方向,来回搓动,以使肌肉发热。Close your hands and put on the haunch to rub back and forth following the direction of shoulders until the muscle become hot.

当特别问道有关佳士得和鹿腿之间的关系时,他回答到“他们看似都在惹毛对方。When asked specifically about the relationship between Christie's and Haunch of Venison, he replied, “They seem to get on each others nerves.

昨天一位先生邀请我去赴宴。此公许诺,晚宴精彩部分包括鹿腿,海龟肉和一个大人物。I was yesterday invited by a gentleman to dinner, who promised that our entertainment should consist of a haunch of venison, a turtle, and a great man.

昨天,有位先生请我吃饭,他保证请我吃一鹿的腰胴肉、一只甲鱼,并且晋见一位伟人。I was yesterday invited by a gentleman to dinner, who promised that our entertainment should consist of an haunch of venison, a turtle, and a great man.

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昨天一位绅士邀我赴宴,此公允诺晚宴将十分丰盛,有鹿腿、海龟肉,还有一伟大人物参加。I was yesterday invited by a gentleman to dinner, who promised that our entertainment should consist of an haunch of venison, a turtle, and a great man.

他能坐在桌边吃掉一整块鹿腿肉,一只鸡,两三条面包,半打玉米,一袋生胡萝卜。He would sit down to the table with a haunch of venison, a whole chicken, two or three gullet breads or a bucket of bangs, half a dozen ears of corn or a bag of raw carrots.

另外,现场实际量测拱顶下沉数据和拱腰水平收敛值与计算数据的相互比较表明,两者变化规律吻合较好。In addition, comparison of arch crown settlement and horizontal convergence of haunch between in-situ testing data and computing ones shows that the variation laws fit preferably.